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Posts posted by Scott314

  1. Originally posted by droge

    the list keeps growing longer-n-longer--COOL!!!!
    WE NEED MORE!!! THE OPEN ENROLLMENT/RECRUITING DRIVE CONTINUES-----step up and testify!!! BTW: as part of the MBM Bassist Division, I did my part in band practice yesterday, bringin' the low-end thunder--damage was thoroughly distributed everywhere, i'm happy to report!!!


    I trust YOUR bass playing registered at LEAST an 8 on the RICHTER scale, as per BASSIST division REGULATIONS. ROCK ON droge!

  2. Originally posted by DougH

    I once made a fuzz effect (it wasn't stompable so i can't call it a pedal) using a schematic of the net, and an old tv for parts and I managed to carefully solder it onto a peice of card board (that was tricky)and point to poit soldered the peices with wire, and it worked! although it sounded a little buzzy.

    Maybe this will show my dedication to rocking. Even without cash I can't be stopped from rocking.

    If I lost my guitar in a house fire I would make one out out of a 2x4 with nails and superglue for a fret job and a fridge magnet with wire wrapped around it for a pick up. I could rip the amplifier section out of the burned TV with the chared speaker continue to ROCK.

    It also proves my insanity, card board is a dangerous substitute for perfboard and TVs contain stored high voltage in some of the componants than can kill:p


    DougH, your DEDICATION to ROCK HARD shows no BOUNDS. I think we need MAZI himself to give you your stripes to make you an OFFICIAL member of the KICK ASS MILITIA.

  3. Originally posted by Brian Krashpad

    No, no. You misunderstand. Though many of us are indeed drinkers, drinking is not mandatory in the MBM. If you are naturally crazy you'll fit right in here!


    Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM


    BK is right. It is POSSIBLE to rock out in a NONALCOHOLIC way also.


    It's just not the preferred way for many militia members... :p

  4. Originally posted by DougH

    Wow this malitia thing sounds cool. What qualifications are there and what work is required? I might as well join something and this sounds pretty cool. I'm kind of new around here so forgive my ignorance of the Mazi Bee Malitia. What would I be required to do to get in and what activities if any would I have to engage in, I don't have access to weapons due to suicide attempt:( lol.

    I'm bored and wouldn't mind saving rock and roll, but who from exactly and how?

    Aside from obvious bay abnds and other cretans like britney spears, is there other threats I'm not aware of!? yanni?


    The only qualifications are to PROMISE to dedicate your WHOLE self to RAWKING unrelentlentingly HARD. Also to drink large quantities of beer. What kinds of RAWK do you like, and what kind of AXE do you wield?

  5. Originally posted by Bucky Goldstein

    Can I be a Mazi Bee Militiaman!?

    Can I, can I, huh, can I !?!?!

    I'll buy a 76 gibson explorer and promise only to use my vetta on super cruuuunchy!

    I'm keeping the hat though


    WELCOME to the MILITIA. We all know that EXPLORERS can RAWK hard, but your TELE and TWIN can also rawk equally HARD in an asskicking BLUES rock WAY.



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