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Posts posted by JiroJan

  1. She falls into the same category as Kirsten Dunst. Sometimes, there are pics of her, and you can't imagine why anyone would ever find her attractive. Then, other times, she's so ridiculously hot, it's not even funny. But not a lot of in-between.



    +1, very well put....in this pic id give it a hell yes

  2. Originally posted by curseoftruth

    I played one last year as well, played pretty nice and sounded okay as well. I just couldn't get past the knives as being REALLY gimmicky, give me regular f-holes and I would consider.


    hmm...thats what i wanted to hear :)

    as long as it plays nice...im probably gonna swamp out the pups for a set of 59's and the tuners as well

  3. Originally posted by AunShui

    I played one for a few minutes about a year ago at a guitar center in NYC. I wasn't very impressed; the neck wasn't to my liking, the frets were a bit sharp, and it had the stereotypical GC rusty strings/bad setup. I'm sure there is considerable variance between these, so i would have to play more to get a real opinion, but i just don't dig it all that much anyway.


    nothing playes well at GC

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