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Posts posted by loner22

  1. Originally posted by chili1222

    hi, you can check this out, i recorded this heavy song with m-audio 1010LT, gibson les paul standard 93 (with drop Csharp B on top), PODxt with metal pack (triple rectifier and mesa cab).. and of course the tone is just my preference, some people dont like it.

    bass was Warwick streamer (5stings) with PODxt too


    it does sound better then NI GR 2.

  2. i took part in a small project recently, sort of lo fi - trip hop kind of thing, and we did all guitars in guitar rig 2.. but we wanted a "weirdo" kind of tones, for example - we ran several drum tracks through reaktor 5 fx, and main rhythm guitars were GR'igged- something like autowah > comp > bass amp > two bass cabs :thu:

  3. Originally posted by gsHarmony

    I just thought I would throw out another suggestion. Although I don't really like amp simulators, Guitar Rig 2 is my favorite for the stuff I play. It's quite a bit more expensive, and probably won't work well in a live situation, unless you don't mind using a computer. I like it a lot though, and I think there is actually a demo somewhere you can try. I still record mostly with amps, but I use guitar rig a lot while arranging.


    I've got one; it's a very nice tool for making demos of songs for band members or sketching ideas; but if Line 6 POD tones are in the same ballpark, please shoot me before I spend the money on a piece of gear like that.

  4. Originally posted by Ronan Murphy

    The Pod will do great for you if you want to have several different sounds that do not sound good. Really the Pod is awful, even the Vox Tone lab has made great improvements so its not awful, its just not any good.

    saying the Pod can emulate a real amp is like saying you have been to Italy because you went to the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. They sound nothing like the amps they claim to emulate and they sound just plain bad regardless.

    The biggest problem with all the amp emulators though is that they will make everything thing else on the records sound worse. Your drums, vocals, keys, acoustics etc will all sound worse because you used the Pod for guitars.



    :cry: Thanks for advice , they say one negative feedback is worth five positive ones.


    The thing is, that I need to - being the low life I am :D - I need to find a workable solution which would set me on a solid ground with recording. I could probably afford a decent head and a decent cab, but it is impossible to just go and try things out; moreover, it is incredibly difficult to find a dealer that could sell me a particular peace of gear locally, unless it's a Behringer or Yamaha; and even more difficult to sell an expensive peace of gear in case it doesn't work out the way it is expected to. I don't even want to mention the recording part of the story. Unfortunately, I am not sure a fancier amp would yield noticeably better results then my miserable C50 in all those small studios we record at.


    Phil, an additional "thank you" for taking the time to listen to the tracks on myspace.

  5. it's peavey classic 50

    i use either a fender am strat with emg 89 / 85, or gibson lp stock

    we play some kind of metal-screamo


    the amp per se is by no means a boutique piece of gear, but not too bad too. however, everything i record with it, be it it's own dirt or running mesa v-1 in front, sounds VERY midrangey, to the point of sounding like there's a "telephone" effect. I normally record things through a marshall cab, and it's much better, but still not as full sounding as i'd like it to be.


    we use sm57, md421 and oktava mics, once or twice i used a vintage ribbon mic, but it was too dark.


    however, investing in a better cab is like 700 USD, and I will have to haul around a 40 kg combo AND a cab.


    still lots of incosistency in the studio tonewise.

    a new amp + cab - think 5150+1960 will set me back 1500 pesos at least.


    Pod Pro XT is 400-500 usd used off ebay.

    I know I am probably going a less natural way, guitar wise, but lots of people tour and record with PODs, and keeping in mind the fact that i don't have access to a really good studio or a collection of decent amps, it really looks like a workable solution.

  6. Okay. That's it.

    I am giving up.

    I can't make my amp sound the way I want it to.

    I don't have enough money to keep buying amps until I am happy with the tones.


    But there's Line 6 POD 2.

    Or even better, PODXT Pro

    Only because it'll cost less then a Mesa or Marshall or 5150 halfstack, and in my limited condition will probably work better.


    Should I bite the bullet?

  7. Originally posted by tastyriffs101

    Thanks! I'm using it on Turbo II mostly so far, with gain to the T in turbo and the tone pointed at the led. Level at the led or so too....but does have to go up high for most settings. Channel I lower gain settings would need to go full volume easy. I expected more volume , but it's at about the same level as the SD-2 when I compared them. DS-2 has a more outfront sound than the SD-2s mean red channel for sure.



    the common practice =) is to use the DS2 in mode 1. The turbo mode is okay too, but it's a little "boxy", as in having a LOT of midrange, and i think, they (Boss) intendeed it as a solo mode, especially when you consider the option of an additional switch.

    they key to a good sound withthis pedal is not to cut mids too much on an amp, and not to go berserk with gain. i used DS2 for a couple of yrs non-stop, mode I, we played Nirvana-heavy stuff, and I never went past 11 o'clock on the gain knob with a LP (stock Gibson hb's).


    Hope that helps.

  8. Originally posted by tastyriffs101

    Hahahhahahahe! How funny! Not lookin good for the Xtortion or the Power Driver ........ hey the PW-2 does have some good reviews.........none from you guys obviously!

    What do you same guys think of the DS-2?

    Thanks for the warnings !!! I'll try the Mega Dist next then possibly. What do you think of that one?

    oh....see there you go.... if Edge found a use for it???? Mabe? How about the HM-2, it has the Clapton connection. Have to try it sometime. And the MZ-2 has Gilmore. I had a Metalizer......should've kept it.


    The PW2 was not that bad.. yes it is a farty gurgly buzz machine, so it won't replicate the brown sound :rolleyes: , but if you want dirt and mud and the lo-fi-guitar-thru-a-bass-amp vibe, then why not?


    DS2 is a decent and somewhat unappreciated pedal. Keep level at max, tone and gain at noon, and work from there. It sits in the mix in a very nice way. Nothing spectacular, though

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