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Posts posted by BuildingCastles

  1. For those wanting people to simply download your songs:


    I would suggest uploading it to somewhere online. Not many people want to download a random file. Who knows if it's going to rape our computers or not




    Ok, so I'm pretty new to recording. I started a band with a friend of mine, and we put down a track. Were going for a post-rock kinda sound. In the vein of Russian Circles/Explosions in the Sky/etc. I know the mix is kinda bad, so that's why I'm posting it here. First to see if anyone even likes the song, or sees the potential in it. Secondly, any tips/tricks/etc to make the mix/song sound better would be appreciated.





    Which song? You have 4 of them. I'm listening to "In the Depths of Shadows" now. Starts out nice, sounds great. But then the snare comes in pretty loud and dry. You have guitars with quit a bit of reverb/echo and having dry drums sorta contradicts the spacey feel. As it gets louder, there's quite a bit of distortion. Make sure you're not getting distortion that's not supposed to be there when you're recording and keep your master level around -6 and never above 0.


    I like the guitar work around 4:40. It's a long ass song and tests my patience a little, but after skipping ahead a little, you guys seem to mix it up pretty good and not just do the same thing for 6 minutes.

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