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Posts posted by AxAxSxS

  1. What's with your attitude?



    Since you ask, you are annoying. Thanks for informing me that lace makes hums. did you even read my post? The one you replied to in wich I stated that I own several? Go talk to Django.

  2. My EC Strat's Lace Sensors (all gold) are definitely noisy when I face my amp. They are fine when I stand a few feet away.


    All pups will act as an antenna for 120 cycle signal. Put your guitar near a computer and see how bad it gets. Lace makes thier pickups so that they are shielded from 60 cycle. It's not perfect, but it's nearly impossible to eliminate ALL interference. The closer you are to any electromagnetic field (like your amp generates) the worse it is. Loosing that noise when you are only a few feet away is actually pretty good. BTW, Nice Strat! I have golds in two of my strats and I really like em, and compared to the pups they replaced, they are "noiseless"

    Perfect? no, but pretty damn good. They hum less than the burstbuckers in my LP.

    If you want really quiet, try the alumitones. The deathbuckers I recently got are VERY quiet. I think I am only hearing noise from the cable and amp with those. I'm really impressed.

  3. There's nothing humbucker about them, though. They're single coils, two of them side by side. They're not even reverse wired or anything.


    Humbuckers are two single coils wired side by side. Lace sensors dont need to be wired to cancel out the hum because they are allready noisless.


    I'm a fan of lace. IMO a big part of why people dont tend to like them is because of how well they work. They do a great job of accurately taking the guitars sound and not adding to much of thier own color. This works well for me but if you are wanting the pups to add a bunch of flavor to a lackluster instument, they may not be the best. They are kinda the anti EMG.


    I've heard good things about the duallys. I have Hemis, deathbuckers and golds, but haven't tried those. Post a clip when you get em? :thu:

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