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doc oc

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Posts posted by doc oc

  1. There seems to be a lot of jumping around about the name here.

    First off, the
    Bassman was the basis for the Marshall JTM-45. The Tweed Fenders and BF/SF Fenders have very little in common, design-wise or tone-wise with either the tweed Bassman or a Marshall, you may think they sound like one, but they are big step away from the tweed/Marshall design and no where near as close as several tweed models.

    Second, this is a Bassman 20, it has absolutely nothing in common with any previous Bassman amp except the name. 100% different circuit. This was, for all practical purposes a practice
    amp based on the Champ II circuit.

    To tell anyone shopping for a Bassman 20 that they should buy a BF/SF Bassman head is as big a leap as recommend the Bassman 20 to anyone shopping for a BF Bassman head.

    Come on people just because it says "Bassman" doesn't mean it has anything to do with the rest of the line. Nor does the Tweed Bassman have anything to do with the heads that followed.


    I'm with you. Thanks for the informative post as always Wyatt.


    I just closed with the guy.

    Meeting tomorrow morning to pick it up. I'll post some impressions.


    Apparently it is a sealed cab which I imagine will make it quite a bit darker than most fender guitar amps but I won't know till I actually play it.

    If nothing else, I see myself recording a little bass on it or plugging it into a cab for raunchy guitar sounds without earbleed.

    I can't really imagine going wrong with 18 watts of PTP fender but we shall see.

    For the price I'm paying, I figure I can always turn around and sell it for a quick buck and since these are pretty scarce I would rather shoot first and ask questions later.


    $200 and an EHX tube zipper sound fair to you guys?

  2. I've never played either a Deluxe II or a Bassman 20, but I've played plenty of Blackface and Silverface Bassmans and Deluxes both original and reissues.

    In general, the Deluxe is going to give you Blackface tone, but at reasonable volume levels compared to a Twin. The Bassman starts sounding quite a bit like a Marshall once you get it to break up.

    Having said that, according to Ampwares.com, the Bassman 20 and te Deluxe II circuits looks somewhat similar. Not identical, but similar. I'd still expect the Bassman 20 to be about vintage Marshall type breakup while a Blackface, Silver or reissue Deluxe to be about clean Fendery tones, capable of breakup, rather than BEING about breakup.

    Most people don't realize how similar the Bassman circuit is to earlier Marshalls. If you plug a Les Paul into a 1970 - 1985 Bassman and run almost any sort of boost in front of it, most folks would think it was a Marshall rather than a Fender.

    Just throwing that out there. The Bassman is definitely a cool amp, but I doubt many folks that have played through both many times intentionally cross shop the Bassman with a Deluxe.


    Fair enough. I just figured low wattage blackface circuit.

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