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Mr. Masterbilt

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Posts posted by Mr. Masterbilt

  1. I've been checking him out too. Very informative and love his style. He never shows who he is, and has made a couple references that he is a recognizable rock personality.

    Whether he is or not - his videos are great for learning...


    I have no idea who he may be but he seems like a hell of a nice guy. It also seems he's been hoping that this channel would have generated and income for him but its not working as he'd hoped.


    I'm gonna send him a bit.

  2. :thu:


    Been watching this guy off and on for a few months and he's quite a good teacher and has some nice tips on his channel.


    I guess he does this hoping to make a living of some sort on YouTube. I think I'm going to send him a few$$ as I've picked up a few tip from his channel myself. He's got quite a library of stuff!



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