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Posts posted by Greg.Coal

  1. I've sold two things in the last two days in Denver, which is a pretty crowded market. In each case, they sold after I "renewed" the ad. That is, each ad got moved back to the top of the first page. Otherwise, in Denver - and I'm sure it's worse elsewhere, your ad goes to page 2 or worse pretty fast (within the first day).


    I can't believe I'm not getting any nibbles on my Bandit . . . .



  2. Anybody ever see any interesting auctions on the 'bay anymore? Seems the sellers are all a bunch of pusses.

    I daily check the auctions of a nearby major seller in Denver (Gravity Music):

    They start 98% of their auctions for a dollar. Great for an amp. They sold a Behringer GMX212 for $98.52 and a Peavey Classic 50 212 Combo for $321 today. I think that's decent. I got a great Behringer BT 108 for $16.18 a few weeks ago (A 15 W SS bass amp with a cult following as a guitar amp; my telecaster sounds perfect through it).

    So, just saying, search locally if you can and save on shipping if you win. Must pay sales tax, though. But, CraigsList is good, too .....


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