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Posts posted by SkidMarx

  1. Originally posted by JamesPeters

    The government here certainly isn't perfect, but that still doesn't have much to do with what you were speaking earlier. You were referring to military decisions, conquests more specifically.

    FWIW - James, I do occassionaly poke fun at our northern neighbors and do get annoyed sometimes at you guys, just as I do with lifelong friends and family mebers. But I will be the first to admit and acknowledge that Canada has fought bravely and died alongside Americans repeatedly through our nations history(this time around notwithstanding). Thanx.

  2. Originally posted by Loghead

    Does anyone really think tha Al-Zarqawi's death will produce any tangible results?

    Who cares. All I know is that he is the bastard that sawed Nick Bergs head off and videotaped it. They also found, from what I read, up to 17 heads in boxes in the compound where he was killed. This sick {censored}er was collecting heads. Those are good enough reasons for me to celebrate his death.

  3. Originally posted by Chubtone

    Don't forget he's a philosophy student too.

    Whenever I wonder if there is a more worthless degree than my music degree, I am comforted when the philosophy degreed guy across the counter from me remembers to put ketchup in my bag without me asking him to.

    LOL! Out here it's the Liberal Arts majors that pass out the ketchup. The Philosophy guys work at Starbucks.

  4. Originally posted by Roccaforte Amps

    pray tell? LOL

    Look, this thread has taken a twist from the real issue at hand.

    That terrorist asshole has been clipped, and thats that.



    I do like Canada, and its people, I have lots of canadian friends.

    I won't insult them, but the Canadian military hasn't done {censored}

    to really help anyone else in the world in a very long time.

    careful, Doug, don't want to piss off annyass or antiass, or whatever his name is with your "matter of fact" insensitivity. He's british you know. And a Philosophy student! Pretty impressive, huh?

  5. Originally posted by Aineias

    Not that it has any bearing on the content of my post but I'm a Philosophy student whose thinking is very much concerned with
    . Now I expect you'll get an impression of me as a lefty idealist from this information and, yes, my political persuasion do lie significantly left of your own. However, anticipating this conclusion (rightly or wrongly - I beleive that the point is still worth being made) it is worth noting that my qualm with you is not with your opinion nor your desire to expressand defend it. My problem is that you act out of ignorance and let your agression get the better of you. You can't even attempt to make a factual point without including the phrase "Arab scum". This phrase introduces a value judgement to what is, ostensibly, a factual statement. Once again, this completely undermines any factual credibility you might have.

    I regret that my age is such that I haven't experienced the "decades" of pseudo-religious slaughter that has been perpetrated by "Arabs" for decades - however, it is rediculous to say that "nobody cared". Might I take you back to that little fiasco in 1990/91 now know as "Gulf War 1". I hate to burst your bubble here but that was a conflict over a decade before the attacks on the World Trade Centre that a very large number of people cared a great deal about - not elast of all the soldiers who died in that conflict. Needless to say, on that basis that Saddam had invaded Kuwait, this is a conflict much more legitimate than the more recent operations in Iraq which was based wholly upon the false premise that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    Finally, this war is not a "Game", and it is this frivolity which many find so disgusting. The reality of war is the brutal taking of human lives and it is never a pleasant business - though, regrettably, sometimes a neccessary one. Individuals may express preferences against War on grounds of principle, but it takes only a small shred of rationality to understand that the international nature of such military actions requires that grand decisions be made on the most pragmatic basis we have yet found: Democracy. Once a Democratically elected Government has made a decision to go to war, the sensible man will accept that this decision has been made using the process set out by National Law and that, on technical grounds, this is the right action to take.

    Individuals may protest at the reasoning behind such a decision, and question either the execution of the official processes or the actual processes themselves (this is a little thing you Americans refer to as Free Speech), but in principle, the action was right.

    Problems arise, of course, when governments deceive their populous through the machinery of political "spin", but this is, yet again, another matter.

    And this perfectly demonstrates those traits which led me to describe you as

    Your focus on Nationality = Bigot.

    Notion that my motivations lie in nationalistic outrage that my country is no longer "top of the food chain" = Irrational.

    From the context of my previous post, it is quite clear that I possess no such Nationalistic pride and most certainly have no aspriations to be at the top of any hypothetical food chain.

    "don't look to America to bail your stupid ass out" = egocentric and danerously-nationalistic.

    And the conclusion that you are stupid and thoughtless follows from your conduct.

    Finally, we may not have had a 9/11 here in Britain, but we were targetted by terrorists and innocent people have lost their lives. It wasn't of the same magnitude but it was not pleasant being on London trains that day as I can testify from experience. However, you will not find Britons harping on about these attacks in 5 years time and using it to justify mindless agression against whosoever we choose (current information is that neither Iraq nor Iran had anything to do with those attacks and 9/11 is no justification for your views upon thses countries).

    This does not mean any disrespect to those that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks (and if a friend or family member of yours was killed Skidmarx, then you have my sympathies). In fact, I would consider it a greater affront to their memory that their deaths are being used to justify this level of anger, hatred and fuel a desire for vengence over justice.

    This repsonse might not get any appriciation from your buddies interested in points scoring, but I'm not a politician canvassing for votes in a Presidential/Parliamentary election. Blast off a quick-whitted volley of vituperation if you must. Maybe someone else might appreciate this for it's merits.

    oh, British. Go figure.:rolleyes: Well, thanx for the lecture, bloke. And if you see Tony Blaire, give him a right good hug for me, won'tcha? God Save the Queen!

  6. Originally posted by cloudnine

    Some of us countries dont crave power.

    now that's funny. In order to crave power you have to demonstrate an ability to take it. Canada couldn't kick Bon Jovi's ass. HA! Just f-in witcha, kid.;):D

  7. Originally posted by tequila_titan

    You're right. The U.S. stayed in Germany for 10 years after WWII and the reason was to defeat the Nazi insurgency.

    10 years? Better check again. We haven't left.

  8. Originally posted by Aineias

    From my experience, this is the problem with those such as Skidmarx.

    There's nothing wrong with him having an opinion and fiercely defending it. Without regard for the content of the view he is airing, his actions are, doubtlessly, of noble intent. However, his downfall appears to be ignorance of the issues on which he feels he must preach.

    By all means, take this comment as offensive and belittling if you must. I for one have little admiration for the veiws you insist upon airing and have come to regard you as little more than a stupid, irrational, thoughtless, egocentric and dangerously-nationalistic bigot. Should you choose to substantiate your views with fact and logic (the two most important tools of any arguement), I may be persuaded to revise this opinion. However, from my perspective, you epitomise the "American" that a lot of the world has come to hate.

    However, back onto the topic of al-Zarqawi:

    I doubt that this man will have many mourners from outside of his particular fundamentalist circle. Of course his actions are horrific and I'm sure that any trial would find him guilty adn order his execution.

    I think the criticsm will come from either the point of view that no trial was technically carried out and al-Zaqawi was given no opportunity to face his accusers (though I doubt there would be any escape for him in such a situation)
    on the ethical stance against taking any sort of life - which appears to have been adopted by Mr. Berg.

    I think he's likely to be misunderstood in his expression of regret for al-Zaqawi's death. Now if he's claiming (in what is, I must say, a typicall Cristian gesture) to have forgiven his son's killers, then I would have doubts over the sincerity of his regret. I don't beleive that you can ever forgive such an action - understanding is one thing, understanding the motivations behind the acts of the perpetrator, understanding how one's child may have put themselves into a dangerous situation, fully aware of the risks; but this is not the same thing as forgiveness.

    However, to say that you regret someone's death is not to say that you approve of their actions or forgive them for the killing of your son. If you disapprove of killing in a blanket fashion (and are stauch and courageous enough to stand by this belief in the face of personal tragedy), then regretting the death as a matter of principle is a perfectly legitimate action. To go really heavily into it, you are left asking questions such as 'What constitutes a "human being" and how far does this definition entitle them to certain rights?' But that is not really the focus of this topic.

    Hopefully, this action will have a destabilising effect on Al Quaeda and attacks against Iraqui citizens and US troops will slacken off. However, the pessimist in me cannot help but feel that such an organisation would have been prepared for this kind of blow and that attacks will continue or even grow in ferocity.

    Perhaps the actions that will have a lot more effect will be to find a emthod of combatting the idealology that breeds suicide bombers and religious fanatics. Then, when those such as al-Zaqawi are brought to justice or assasinated, they will not fuel the fires in their matyrdom.

    EDIT: FOrgot to add - the Skidmarx thing is a shame since msot of you guys on this forum have done a world of good to my view of the American people. Similarly with every single American I've ever met in person. They've all been lovely people - it's just the administration and those you see on Television that promote this "bad" image so much.

    if you are talking to me, since when have you been interestd in facts and logic? If you were interested in facts and l;ogic you'd acknowledge that Arab scum have been killing in the name of Allah for decades. Noone cared, so long as it was just Jews and an occassional Marine or two. Then 9/11 happened. Game on. I don't know what pissant country you are from, probably an old world superpower like France that is pissed off that you aren't at the top of the food cghain anymore. But wherever you are from just do me one favor. When you have your own 9/11, don't look to America to bail your stupid ass out. Have a {censored}ty day. Love, Skid.

  9. Originally posted by cloudnine

    Stop turning this into a {censored}ing liberal/conservative debate, Skidmarx.
    Everyone is happy that Al-Zarqawi is dead and all the news agencies are reporting it just fine.

    of course, you think they wouldn't report it? But I'll bet you won't see any democrat Senators or Congressman on the news tonight giving proprs to Bush and our militiary for a job well done. No, they'll be notoriously absent. But they come out of the woodwork when there's bad news. Just wait and see.

  10. Originally posted by the russ

    if those are your measures of success in Iraq, then i'd have to say your perspective on that whole matter is pretty {censored}ing warped.

    success will be measured 30-40-50 years from now. What tyou represent is modern America's impatience and penchant for immediate gratification. It will be many, many years before we see any fruit born as a result of this effort to rid the world of Islamic fundamentalist freaks. So don't be so quick to judge.

  11. Originally posted by PlayboyChris

    Saddam, imprisoned. Zarqawi, dead. Not too shabby.

    Ultimately, time will tell how "well" it worked.

    uh-huh. It's funny how Bushes critics love to call him the worst president ever. It will be 30 years or more before we know what Bushes legacy will be. If in 30 years we see peace and stability in the Middle East you will see a much different picture painted of GW Bushes presidency. Sometims I think liberals would rather see us fail in Iraq than to see Bush remembered favorably. Their thirst for a return to power has blinded them to what is in this countries best interests.

  12. Originally posted by the russ

    you're right. this terrorism thing has more to do with being Muslim than most Muslims would like to admit. Muslims across the globe have by and large completely absolved themselves and their religion of any moral responsibility to try and stop what is going on.


    yup. There comes a time for people to clean up their own backyard. Right now Muslims appear content to have their back yard full of human garbage. I wonder how long they'll stand by and allow this to continue before they join the fight to rid this planet of the single biggest threat since Adolph Hitler?

  13. Originally posted by the russ

    actually, the rest of the world has been pretty outraged by Iran's recent talk about the Holocaust, etc. Especially Europe. What exactly do you want everyone to do, Skid? Invade Iran because we don't like that their teetering, fundamentalist regime is *saying*? Get real.


    don't put words in my mouth. You get real. The world has done nothing about Iran. The man marchs through the street alongside those who chant "death to the Jews". He repeatedly calls for the extermination of all Jews and has made it clear that he would nuke Israel off the planet if he had the chance. He should not be given an ounce of respect as a human being let alone the president of a nation. He is an artifact of ancient history that has no place in the 21st century. If the world had any balls we'd all unite and isolate that pathetic nation until it implodes under the weight of it's rampant anti-semitism. Alas, Jew bashing/hating is all the rage at the moment. The world stands by and does nothing.

  14. Originally posted by shredhead666

    You kiddin' me? Skid's from Massachussetts. Mass = the colon of liberal elitist know-it-alls. He's constantly surrounded by morons... so I think we can all cut him a bit of slack if he comes off a bit harsh in his tone towards anything Left-wing. LOL!


    LOL! Eloquently stated.;)

  15. Originally posted by macmax

    to answer to Skid, this is what imeant:

    it is not neither bad or good to be friends eiher with the Jewish people or the Palestinian or anyone in that region,

    we just took a side and we will have to defend ourselves,

    the thing is that if they could not end their war, one that has been going on forever, why do you think we can pull it off and end it for them?

    we can't


    alone, we can't. With the wordl standing with us, Muslims included, we can end it. Until and unless those "peace loving Muslims" join this fight against human garbage killing in the name of Islam, then I am afraid you are right. But we cannot abandon the effort to do so. The time has long past to stop this nonsense. I do appreciate your answer. I don't agree with it. There comes a time to fight and that time is now.

  16. Originally posted by 17 Tubes

    Because the Arabs want to kill Isreal? And the friend of an enemey is an enemy?

    But then you throw oil in the mix and itgets kind of messy.



    that's an Arabs perspective, not ours. There is no reason we cannot be allies with both Jews and Arabs, if it weren't for rampant anti-semitism across the globe. That is the crux of what is happening in this world right now, anti-semitism and people's willingness to tolerate it. It is appalling to me. Here we have the president of Iran calling the Hollocaust a lie and calling for the extermination of the nation of Israel and for "wiping Jews from the face of the Earth", and noone seems to really care. How quickly we forget what those people have been through. There will be no peace on this planet until the world sends the message that anti-semitism will not be tolerated.

  17. Originally posted by macmax

    Pete , in that particular geographical area of the world, they have been fighting for that long, i only hope God is on our side, we were the ones that went there and we are the ones that have been there for a long time now since we started helping Israel.

    As i said , let us only believe that cutting one head will not bring out seven more, but anyway, i am happy that one is on the other side as i write this, i mean , dead!

    can you answer a question for me that no liberal has the balls to answer? Why is it wrong to help Israel? Why can't we be friends with Israel and the Arabs? Can you answer that please?

  18. I just have to shake my head in disgust at those who cannot even acknowledge that this is GOOD NEWS! You want to see media bias? Just watch how they'll grudgingly report this story only to immediately remind everyone about all those big bad evil marines doing such aweful things in Iraq. And you won't see a single liberal dummycrat in Congress stand up and congratulate the militiary for taking out the murderer of THOUSANDS of Iraqi civilians, not to mention the man responsible for the videotaped beheading of Nick Berg. Don't think so? Just watch the news tonight and see if Shrilliary Clinton stands up and gives props for this. No, she's too busy whining about Anne Coulter.:rolleyes:

  19. Originally posted by Japetus

    You like to use the word retard, don't you? Poor SkidParents shouldn't have called you that so many times. But hey, if my kid ate as much lead as you obviously did, I would have too!

    I use words that apply. Like "retard" when I see your replies. Have you come up with a solution to the terrorism problem yet, retard? You said this: "us people living in the real world will look for real solutions to the real problems". Well, what's your solution, genius? It's your choice, genius or retard. Show us which one you are instead of whining about this thread. Because if that's all you are going to do then you are a retard. Gonna go for genius or leave it at that?

  20. Originally posted by Japetus

    SkidMarx, can you please make an original statement that you haven't already made 1000 times over?

    Your posts could be good mad libs.

    Liberals are the problem for _____. If it wasn't for democrats _____ would be way better.

    Blah...Blah...Blah....just keep living in your partisan politics world, and us people living in the real world will look for real solutions to the real problems, other than regurgitating the same talking points over and over.

    such as? When have you or any democrat offered a real solution to the worlds problems? If you have a better idea than fighting them, lets hear it. If not, you are just a blow hard talking out your ass. You may not like what I have tosay, but at least I have SOMETHING to say. All you can do is whine because you don't agree with me. Like I said, RETARD. Now's your chance to prove me wrong.

  21. Originally posted by draelyc

    Do you think there's any useful place in the world for *any* sort of pan-national organization made up of representatives from the various sovereign national governments?

    no. Why? Because you cannot erase greed and corruption. The UN and the charter they are supposed to enforce were a great fantasy. As was the League of Nations before them. Both are a complete and utter failure because of the fools that occupy the place. It was supposed to be the organization that prevented a repeat of Adolph Hitler. Instead, they allied themselves secretly with Islams' modern day Hitler for no other reason than MONEY. And they did it in secret and in violation of their own resolution. Why would we involve ourselves in such an organization?

    The liberal in your longs for a world governing body, as with all liberals. It just ain't gonna happen because the interests and concerns of an African are vastly different than the interests and concerns of a European which are different from an American, and so forth and so on.. The standard of living will be vastly different, the intelligence level, the income and wealth, political agendas, all different across the globe. All that would happen if we did have a world governing body with REAL authority is just what happened at the UN. It would devolve into a place for the less fortunate nations to complain and use their vote to extort money from the more fortunate nations. And of course you'd have people the likes of Koffe Anon(spelling?) who used the UN Oil fo Food program to make himself, his family, and all his friends fabulously wealthy. Not to mention, they aided and abetted Iraq by funnelling illegal funds to the country. I repeat, why would we involve ourselves in such a pathetic organization?

  22. Originally posted by Japetus

    Yeah, please do call the police. When they answer, tell them you lost your mind...or you've fallen and you can't get up...or something, maybe they can help you!

    Go change your diaper, pal. How many f-ing times do you have to whine about this thread? You know what it's about, if you don't like it then don't read it! Are you daft? Geezus, what a {censored}ing retard.:rolleyes:

  23. Originally posted by ranalli

    Saddamn and all those crappy countries over there are not a threat to the US. What are they going to do.. ..send a nuke over on a camel??

    The ONLY reason they are a threat is because our country has the worst defense ever. We let EVERYONE in this country.

    If we would have taken a defensive approach we would almost never have to go to war like we do.

    The bottom line is that there are ALWAYS going to be terrorists and people out to get us....let's actually DO something to protect ourselves instead of pissing in the wind.

    Protecting ourselves from terrorism by fighting in the middle east is about as effective as fighting venerial diseases with aspirin.....WEAR A RUBBER...IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT YOURSELF.

    and what would you suggest? Are you talking about border security? If you are, well you can thank the dummycrats for our porous border. Any time someone suggests that we build a fence they start screaming racism. Any time someone suggest that we use troops to guard our border like many other countries do, they scream unconstitutional. If you are complaining about lax border security, blame the libs. They will do nothing to secure outr borders and in fact will actively work to keep them open, and are as we speak. Wanna' do something about that? Stop voting for dummycrats.

    as far as them being no threat, what about the USS Cole? What about the Marines who were killed in Israel when their barracks were blown up? How about the embassy employees who were killed by muslim scum? Saddam, Al-Queda, Hezzbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc, etc, they are all part of the same problem. Are you saying that so long as they only kill over there that we should see them as "no threat" to the USA? Come on, man, what are you thinking?

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