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Hairmetal Rules

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Posts posted by Hairmetal Rules

  1. Although you may feel like a true badass now, this is one of the most repetitive, stupid and weak "insults" ever used. If you have problems communicating with others, please take some courses. If you have problems with yourself, and project them on others, please visit a psychologist. If you are just being an asshole, please refrain from posting in the future.

    Thank you.


    Okay Dr. Phil. I guess I will refrain then.

  2. holy shit hairmetal thanks for that laugh. oh and btw sigged


    I'm laughing about you. Obviously you can't/don't play. I signed up 10 minutes ago to reply to you after your "expert opinion" showed up on my search.


    Seriously. Go pleasure yourself and pretend you can play and own anything that deserves any respect.


    Why would you spend all your time here if you could play? POSER. LOOSER. ENJOY THE CHEETOS AND MOUNTAIN DEW.


    Bu Bye.

  3. Seriously, check out the line for crying out loud. 4 amps. all cheap. Why in the hell would compare them to anything else. By the way, I bought a Crate amp before you were born. I still have it. The Raven is better although smaller and less powerful.

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