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Posts posted by SnowStorm

  1. You must have small hands.


    I do but good shaped B's are good. They are almost perfect. They have to be on the right girl obviously. That chick in the picture has perfect tits. Good cleavage. Those would be plenty enough. They would be perfect.

  2. Hmm, that's not what i came across in my research. Whatever. Anyways, I said I'm still keeping the Peavey on my horizons, so who knows what I'll end up with.


    There is a bright input on the Classic 50's. I could see if you really really want to have Fender cleans, than go for a Fender. Obviously a Vintage Silverface or Bassman would be awesome but also I think the new Hot Rod Deluxe's III are really good if you could land a used one. It sounds like your budget and your kind of amp to be honest. The Classic 50 is the best bang for your buck ever made though.

  3. The Blues Deluxe is a great amp. It does breakup early on the dial though which is something you complained about on the Frontman. The breakup is awesome though. Great for classic rock. Trust me, it's loud enough too. Not a good amp for low volume practice.

  4. Ok, recommendations are starting to go downhill now. Get rid of the Frontman. My main recommendation for you is to get a Peavey Classic 50. If not that, then either buy a Hot Rod Deluxe or Blues Deluxe plus a good distortion pedal based on your money situation. Best options are to buy either a Fender Bassman or Fender Deluxe Reverb with a good distortion pedal. Checkout a Fender Supersonic too.

  5. All suggestions are good. There is nothing wrong with the Hot Rod Deluxes though. The cleans are very good for an amp of it's price range. Buy a good distortion pedal that fits your classic rock needs and you'll be fine. Overdrive channels on most Fender amps are not very good. You may also want to look into a Peavey Classic 30 or a Classic 50. They do cleans pretty well and have a great classic rock overdrive channel and can be had for the same price. Getting a Peavey Classic is what I would really suggest to you unless your really set on Fender cleans.

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