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Posts posted by Invader.CC

  1. can i come with you?

    i love you... but like not in like a "gay" way. i just love you. and i think every positive soul that ever extisted loved you... i mean, i don't think Dick Cheyney or the Queen Mother of England or Jim Jung-Il listen to hendrix. Jim Jung-il probably listens to nothing but:


    and seroisly too, i mean jim jung-il would really like that song. and some sissy duran duran and U2.

    SORRY!!! i'm sorry if you like duran duran and U2. i really feel sorry for you and i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. i'm not a bad dude. this is only my second post. and i'm sorry.

    but i bet mother theresa and ghandi do. and could you imagine jesus not listening to hendrix? or Noah, when he's on his Ark. that's probably all that he played. for all those animals he had with him.

    hahahahahaha seriously though.

    i think Genghis Kahn would have listened to hendrix. probably that Zulu King too. what was that dude's name. shaka zulu king.


    Man are you doing SPEED?:poke:

  2. In my opinion Rhythm guitar is 95 percent of guitar playing even though most people get noticed for there lead playing ability...


    It's kind of like a good bass player isn't really noticed until pointed out but without him the band would be lost..


    If you are speaking of just having Rhythm in general it is very important ..But remember rhythm can be taught that's what they make metronomes for..


    I have had students that looked like Steve Martin in the Jerk trying to keep time or Rhythm which ever you want to call it when they first started out...To being a accomplished guitar player a few years later.

  3. Where is he finding all this time to play, buy, trade and sell guitars with a hot young wife and more importantly 3 children?


    This is were the story gets even better he owns a one person company that paints addresses on the curb in front of your home for like $15 bucks and then plays in 3 different bands ..He plays in a two piece acoustic bass and guitar band...A hard rock almost metal house band on Thursday nights ..Then plays in a Blues/Classic rock band also...


    I also must say that the most expensive guitar he ever bought was a road worn Strat or a HWY 1...So it's not high dollar gear that he is buying and selling...

  4. I have a very close friend his name is Rudy he is a 35 year veteran guitar player and is extremely talented but always broke...He has a very attractive much younger wife an 3 small children .So he never has much cash to spare.But he goes through guitars faster than anyone i have ever seen.I'm not exaggerating one bit when i say he goes through at least two guitars a week and never since i have known him (almost 5 years ) has never kept a guitar longer than 3 or 4 weeks..


    He even managed to get banned from Guitar center for buying guitars and bring them back to many times..The thing is he always upgrades the guitars before selling them for a major loss or taking them back either by having a pro setup and intonation /fret job done or upgrading pickups..


    Not long ago i traded a guy some speaker for a Epiphone SG400..I then sold it to Rudy for a very good price of $225 only to have him sell it to me again 3 days later for $150 ..His asking price not mine..


    This week since last Friday he has gone from a Laguna something or another to a MIM strat that he has now sold for a $50 dollar loss to the same pawn shop he bought it from ...He now has a squire Telecaster..:facepalm:


    Does anyone else know someone like this?

  5. :confused:

    All races are prejudiced. Why did you have to bring that up?

    I brought this up due to what was posted on a different thread.To the best of my knowledge nothing has been said negative about my culture on this thread..Please excuse any misunderstanding

  6. Indian Scout....I have just spent the last half hour of my life going off on a man who posted negative comments about the American Indian..Why was he going off on American Indians because of your past behavior..

    Im not writing this to berate you .Im writing as one brother to another..As American Indians acting in a world that holds prejudice against us we must be on constant vigil to be honorable in our actions..You have made a mistake and are owning up to it which deserves to be recognized..

    But from this point on ..Please remember if you are going to represent yourself as an American Indian at that point anything you do or say reflects on our nation as a whole ..Please keep this in mind with your future dealings.. This is from a Lakota Sioux brother..

  7. Glade this one worked out with a happy ending ..I had the same thing happen to me except i was the guy with the amp...I was leaving for out of town on a gig and had just worked out a trade ..I told the other party involved i probable would not have time to ship before leaving...So the Saturday i was out of town my wife accepted the AC30 from the other party involved..

    On the flight back home i got extremely sick in a matter of like two hours bad enough that they landed the plain in KC and rushed me to the hospital ..That night my wife drove to independence Missouri which is about 30 miles or so from KC to stay with friends and be able to come to the hospital ..Because i was in intensive care with sufalietios (phonetic spelling)..Anyway we came home 9 days later to an answering machine full of messages a mail box full of letters and a computer full of E-mails..

    Needless to say the guy was very happy to hear from me..I even sent him copies of the hospital paper work so he knew i wasn't trying to con him...

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