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Posts posted by Stratotone

  1. Originally posted by shredhead666

    HARSH Pete! Max is generally a cool guy. His english isn't always the best, so I cut him some slack. He knows what he's trying to say but sometimes it doesn't always come out right I think. He's always been a cool guy to me and most everyone else on this board.

    Well, I thought I was polite in my first reply to him in this thread, then he decided to give me crap for some ancient wrong he percieved I gave him... at that point, I stopped being polite.

    I am curious if he offers a retraction of his 'facts' he posted about CNN on this thread, regardless. More than likely snopes will be called another toady of the US government and it's interests. However, a quick look at the snopes website shows it to be far from right wing.


  2. Originally posted by macmax

    One thing that always stroke me in the heart was to see some footage from CNN claiming that the arabs were dancing inthe streets when the Two Towers went down, well maybe they were, but the footage that was shown in CNN was the same one shown when Kuwait was liberated many years ago.

    How do i knwo this, i was send the footage from one of the universities in Brazil that had them by a friend of mine.

    I call bull{censored}.


    BTW, snopes is far from right leaning, because I know that's the next assertion I'm going to hear.


    Claim: CNN used old footage to fake images of 'Palestinians dancing in the street' after the terrorist attack on the USA.
    Status: False.

    Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]

    Origins: No,
    CNN did not air decade-old footage of Palestinians dancing in the streets. Eason Jordan, CNN's Chief News Executive, confirmed that the video used on CNN was in fact shot on Tuesday, 11 September 2001, in East Jerusalem by a Reuters TV crew, not during the Persian Gulf conflict of 1990-91

  3. Originally posted by macmax

    Pete, didn't you read that i said i won't answer to you unless it is in a cool decent way, didnt you read i said that i am a cool good hearted dude.

    What i said too doesn't have to do with this thread, you know what i meant, you are alwys attacking me and i said that , because i don't think like you do concerning equipment.

    I don't think you are a bad dude , but many times have you pulled one on me, and as i said , i will not go that route, maybe i explained myself better this time.

    About been hot blodded , all latins are, we shout and then we forget, have u ever seen an italian???

    they shout in the moment, then they forget about it.

    by the way, hehhehe, your white veins are as cool as my ancestors veins, they come from europe , but my girl is black

    I might be a whitey honky dude with not a Trace of that stupidity (ignorant thing) called racism

    if I'm always attacking you, show links of my cruelty. I'm starting to think that not only are you a douche, but a weak watery one at that.

    As far as the 'racism' thing, are you calling me a racist or just trying to imply it? {censored} whoever you want, I don't care. A white girl, a black girl, a guy, a dog, a tree, yourself.


  4. Originally posted by macmax

    i identify with a country in the caribbean, the DR.

    By the way, i won't even argue with you, first there are many things that need to be read, and it wasn't the lesser of 2 evils, it was who could made me more money .

    Only one fact, we did say that Saddam was evil because he used chemical weapons against the Kurds? right?

    Guess what, we brought that up becasue we wanted to invade Iraq, but did you KNOW that a month and a half and a year after that THE USA sold , yes SOLD chemicals to that evil man???????

    DID YOU KNOW that there are 3 theories on that attack????

    Did you happen to know that the Chopters were sold by the USA to him and were american made????

    So please , before u start speaking to me as u always do and start shotuing at me as u always do, only because i used to joke with you and becasue i didn't really dig the Line 6's , start reading a bit my friend.

    By the way, this mf spic has 2 college degrees and one master and is thinking about going the PHD way ,

    But i am tired of you attacking me and insulting me at all times due, and yes, i am a very good hearted person, but i am also a dude that has hot blood running thru his veins, that been said,

    i won't even bother responding to you unless it is in a good decent way.

    Well, here's what I wrote:

    Let's see here...

    We supported saddam when he was fighting Iran, a country that just before the Iran/Iraq war held hundreds of our citizens hostage for over a year. Lesser of two evils at the time.

    We supported Osama when his Taliban/Mojahadeen was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. Again, lesser of two evils.

    So explain how the above is wrong. BTW, macmax, what nationality are you? You come across as american at times (using the 'we' like you're one of us) and then you identify with other countries too. which is it?


    Yeah, that's incredibly offensive, what I wrote. You're probably still reeling from the verbal lashing I gave. What was the worst part, or was it all horribly brutal? What did I write that wasn't "in a decent way"? Please note not only are you accusing me of 'shouting' but you were typing all caps. Might be a little bit hypocritical of you, don'tcha think?

    the dude with 'cool blood' running through his white veins

  5. Originally posted by macmax

    Shred , it isn't like that at all

    Let's see here...

    We supported saddam when he was fighting Iran, a country that just before the Iran/Iraq war held hundreds of our citizens hostage for over a year. Lesser of two evils at the time.

    We supported Osama when his Taliban/Mojahadeen was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. Again, lesser of two evils.

    So explain how the above is wrong. BTW, macmax, what nationality are you? You come across as american at times (using the 'we' like you're one of us) and then you identify with other countries too. which is it?


  6. Originally posted by macmax

    what i said cloudnine, they have been fighting for 3,000 years, so what can make us believe we will stop that?

    *shrugs* All I can say is, he in particular isn't going to be cutting off any more heads. Who have they been fighting for 3,000 years? I would think he'd look a little older...


  7. Originally posted by carlygtr56

    I'm talking decent pedals, not some $10 Bad Monkey POS


    The Bad Monkey is a great deal for the money, and a good sounding pedal in it's own right. I've been building tube screamer based pedals for grins the last few months - starting with TS808 specs, with higher quality parts and some tweaks like a switchable clipping diode switch and a low end 'girth' boost or cut control. I prefer my pedals over the bad monkey, but I could do a gig with a one channel tube amp and a bad monkey no problem if I had to. It's not bad at all.



  8. If they enjoy their gear, who the hell cares? I've played gigs with 5 watt amps (Univalve cranked with a 6V6!) it doesn't really matter.


    It's almost like those doofi who bitch about people having more than one guitar, or a really nice guitar and they don't play out.



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