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Posts posted by Guitarplay

  1. and then there is the ones who just won't take advantage of a groupie...like me for example..no I am not really a "groupie" but I am a married chic but fell in love with this bass player from a local club. Oh he did like me-I'd watch him watching me. We'd secretly hold hands at the bar and at closing we'd eye contact each other-just looking at one another with no words at all. When he hugged me, we held on to one another and he even snuck a quick kiss (no tongues-just a quick kiss like a shy boy-and he ran out of there fast!). Well, I was determined to have him to myself-was willing to leave my home for him. I was very unhappy with my marriage at the time and in the past I have always dated musicians-so I guess I thought he was perfect for me.

    One night I had a small gift for him. I told him to meet me out back. He did, and I gave the gift to him. He thanked me and held me in his arms. We were close to kissing, then the lead singer (damn him!! lol) opens the back door, and my love pulls away saying "ok, we need to be good-you're a married lady!" Damn I should of just kisssed him anyways. To make a long story short, he pushed me away. He had girlfriends later but still would watch me from the stage but wouldn't talk to me anymore. He broke my heart in a zillion pieces. I am good friends with his best friend and she said that he wasn't the type to mess with taken girls. He has since married and yes it hurts. Part of me is glad he respected me but I tell you what, he sure didn't live up to the "reputation" that a lot of band members have! Frustrating tho! That band doesn't play there anymore-they now get a different bands coming in weekly, so I am not really tormented anymore. Hummm wonder if he knows that I took up playing the bass? I am sure his best friend told him. He missed out is all I have to say. The only issue was he was an alcoholic. Bummer.

    maybe you should have divorced your husband first, you slut

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