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Posts posted by scott944

  1. ... then all of these players have combined.

    C'mon, Scottie. I love VH (I was 17 when the first record came out), but that's a bit of hyperbole, yes? Find the trailer for the doc made about the Wrecking Crew, which included Tedesco and Campbell from the above list. Those guys played on everything that came out of SoCal in the 60's. LOTS of influence there, nevermind the rest of those guys.

  2. Tough thing about these units is the general inablilty to try before you buy. Once you get beyond Boss, Digitech and a handful of others, they're only available online (for us folks in "flyover country", anyway). I'm diggin' the Wampler Pinnacle, Suhr Riot and Cmatmods Brownie based on 'tube demos, but I'm sure some (many) nuances don't translate. Nearest dealer for some of those units is 3 hours one way. I'll gladly do that trip to look at dropping $500-1000+ and a guitar or amp, but it's a little much for a pedal.

  3. Beyond work and family, music/guitar has passed cars/racing in the last year or so to take the top spot - our 2 lovely offspring take up virtually all of the time and budget that used to be spent on the autocross car, which is now for sale (PRS/Mesa partial trades considered!). I'll have another in a few years.

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