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Posts posted by RiffDaemon

  1. That's a lovely set up.

    A couple of things, how does the combo sound running a 4x12 and the internal speakers (and does it compare to the head)?

    Also why are 2 of your pedals upside down


    Haha, thanks :D


    The pedals are upside down due to the restriction of the little 6" cables from Guitar Center. To go from the Phase 90's output to the Stereo Chorus' input, the chorus pedal has to be flipped upside down so that the cable can reach. This was back when I was experimenting with running chorus and delay in front of the amp, though. Now, those are in the loop, and they're facing the proper direction :p


    As for running the combo speakers in conjunction with the 4x12, it sounds really nice. The v30/65 speakers in the combo are pretty mid heavy but the low-end is kinda lacking. The 4x12 fills the bottom out a bit. And while I haven't directly compared the combo to a head, they should sound the same when going through the same external cabinet. The only time I've played a JVM 410 head was while fooling around with guitars at GC, and I never turned it up to gig volume ..... so yeah, can't confirm that :idk:

  2. You could do some kind of 3d graphics project. LOTS of math in graphics. I have been out of the loop, but maybe there have been some cool advancements in raytracing, maybe real-time?


    Real-time raytracing was a pretty hot topic last time I checked Gamedev.net. Lots of demos floating around.

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