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Posts posted by DeuceII

  1. I tried this in the amp forum, but apparently this amp doesn't qualify as "bringing teh brewtalz" (duh) and so isn't worth comment/answers.


    I blew the fuse in my teaching/practice amp, and then stupidly lost it before writing down what type it was. The inside of the amp says "T500mA 120v", and it was one of the smaller size fuses. I went to Radio Shack and found out it's a 5x20mm physical size, and they had .5A fuses but only at 250v. From looking around on the 'net, the "T" stands for medium blow as opposed to fast or slow blow, and the 120v means approximately "if running at 120v (US Standard) then use a 500mA." So does it matter what the rating of the fuse voltage is? I only saw 125v and 250v at RS, which made me confused.


    Anybody help me out? The best advice I got from the amp forum was "whatever fuse will cause it to burst into flames, as that's the desired result" and a +1 to that comment. I'm hoping I can find some better ideas here.

  2. The main thing that has turned me off to Pigtronix was during the introduction of the phase pedal, and he was pointing people here to the website but it emphatically stated on the website he only wanted to be contacted by "professional" players about demoing the pedal. That my not have been up for long, can't recall, but the first time I visited the site that's what I saw and I thought "why the hell post the site on the effects forum then?" and decided I'd never buy one of his pedals. If I'm not good enough as a non-professional who has played for more than 20 years to try his pedals, well.....:rolleyes:

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