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Posts posted by Wulver

  1. Just to chime in.


    Due to my distaste of 80s music in that vein, I didn't really enjoy the musical aspect of the film. Which, yeah, is sorta important. But the movie, dramatic bits that didn't involve the two leads were legitimately pretty fun. Alec Baldwin, Russel Brand, Paul Giamatti, Tom Cruise, all those bits, pretty damn entertaining.


    It's a movie that is (mostly) the RIGHT kind of stupid. Not as bad as I was expecting.


    The girlfriend loved it, but she's into musicals anyway.

  2. I worked with Jerry Donahue last year, small pedalboard > speaker simulator > PA.

    Simple, all analogue, and great-sounding. I have no problem with digital, but have had no success getting the "feel" right for more rootsy, organic sounding styles.

    Even for more my rock-oriented stuff, my twin half-stacks are set pretty clean and used as classy sounding monitors - they're little more than props really.

    I'm amazed that people still believe all those amps at a big gig are actually doing something. You could not possibly stand in front of some of those rigs night after night if they were active.


    This is basically my rig as well, Tech 21 Blonde as a preamp on the pedalboard going right into the PA. I haven't desired an actual amp in years.

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