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Posts posted by Switchblade327

  1. I had the same problem with my fender champ 300, which was rated 250V and was .5A. Upon using this fuse, however, the amp still blew said fuse again, so I ended up using a fuse rates for 1 amp, as opposed to the .5 It has't made the amp burst into flames yet, so hopefully using a higher rated fuse should have no real impact on the amp. You should do as I did, however, and for the first five uses of the amp or so, have easy access to the insides so you can take the larger fuse out if you say, smell smoke or something. :p Whether its fast or slow blow didnt matter to me either.


    tl:dr: Just ask for a fuse rated for .5A, and if it still blows, use a 1 amp fuse.

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