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Posts posted by gonzobassman

  1. I am a 50 year old bass player who decided that any project I was going to play in deserved to have a decent sound system.With this mindframe I began gleening info,and re-educating myself on live sound equipment,and practices through this foum.My system is a MixWiz3 16 2 board.I run a DBX 131 for FOH eq,and a DBX 2-way stereo,3-way mono crossover.I run a QSC GX-5 for mains driving 4 Yamaha S115V boxes.I run 2 dual 18 subs with Peavey Lo-Rider 18s powered by a GRF amp that produces 1680 watts RMS at 4ohms per side.I also picked up a couple of single 18s,and for smaller venues I simply use them with 2 of my tops all powered by the GX-5.Both give exactly what I need,and the sound is excellent.For monitors I run 4 Yamaha SM115Vs powered by 2 QSC GX-3s.I run 2 DBX 231 stereo eqs on them as well.No complaits on my monitors,or the mixes I can offer.The board,amps,and eqs are all housed in an EWI 16 space rack with the mixer in the top.It is really heavy,but will do for now.For mics I run 58s on all vocals,57s on guitars,and some toms.My kick mic of choice is a Beta 52.Just using the onboard effects,and have not added any compression,and may never.My only upgrades will be to put the amps in a seperate rack,and get a snake(16/8 EWI).This is all the P.A. I would ever want to try to run from stage,so aside from upgrades (JBL SRX boxes),I am for the most part done.

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