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Matija Gajic

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Posts posted by Matija Gajic

  1. Alright, I'm in!

    I'm a TOTAL NOOB at recording, hard-disc/digital/PC-based or otherwise. I barely know how to do so with what I have. (I'll get around to that in threads with future questions, I'm certain.) I probably barely qualify to make sonic toast with the gear, hardware and software that I have.

    That being said, "FWIW", here's my submission for critical and expert scrutiny, scrotiny, and suggestions afield:

    "Soapbar Example"

    Currently my sole postable/linkable mp3 (hosted by a good friend). Forty-odd seconds of two guitars (or rather, one guitar, twice), tuned to Open-D, originally done on-the-fly simply to give an example of P-90 "soapbar"-equipped guitars in action.

    I won't bore you with any more mundane details unless they're requested.

    I already have my own opinions about its artistic shortcomings, don't worry about sparing my feelings or anything! It's presented here both to start off kicking the ball around, and to get any and all actual useful information that anyone cares to throw my way. (READ AS:
    ) Be as critical as you want!

    How did you get that sweet buzzing sound that appears once in a while?

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