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Posts posted by steve10358

  1. Originally posted by scott_335

    Jesus Christ! It is an amp. dont be fanboys.

    Honestly, it's not about that. I get people that tell me all the time they like my marshall better than my diezel. No biggie. It's just that when someone slanders the quality of a piece- NO MATTER WHO MAKES IT... well then, lets just stick with that now.

    I hear a lot of "comparisons" between Diezel and Boogie.... I'll tell you first hand that there is no way my Diezel's PCB is going to warp under heat and stress like my recto did. I love boogie, but its just a comparison.

    Once again- its not about the tonal opinion. Just the reliability facts. I would NEVER get upset because someone else has a different opinion on tone than I do. Thats why there are so many great products to begin with!!


  2. Originally posted by thegame

    Point #1, yes it moves back and forth a bit. I wasn't applying excessive force either. You can make it bend a bit with your finger if you press right in the middle of the chassis on the back of the Herbert.

    Point #2, I didn't say its not very thick or sturdy, I implied its not AS thick or sturdy as Wizard, Rocca, or Mako.

    Geez, if I rated the Herbert a 9.9/10 overall I bet alot of you guys would bash me for not giving it a solid 10, right?

    It has NOTHING to do with if you like the amp or not, open your eyes. I know for a fact that the Diezel is THICKER than any of the amps you've stated. It's not a bad thing for the other guys- who gives a {censored}, but we're all waiting for Dr. thegames concise review of the technical imperfections of a Diezel or what makes other amps superior?


  3. Originally posted by thegame

    By your logic I would not be able to compare two very well made guitars (a Suhr - simple in design and features, classic Strat design) with a late 70's BC rich that has literally a dozen knobs and switches on it. They're both really good, but maybe one is built better than the other, irregardless of the features they have.

    NO! It has nothing to do with features... you are making blanket statements about the quality of an amp when you can't site one design flaw. Doesnt matter if it's Diezel, bogner, VHT, Splawn....

    You DO NOT know what you are talking about.


  4. Originally posted by thegame

    Why are you so defensive? I said the Diezel's build quality is very good. My point is that there amps out there that are built even BETTER! Sound better?; thats subjective but I'm not talking about that.

    When I had a Diezel, I noticed the back of the chassis flexed when inserting a speaker cable with moderate force. Thats not military grade. Go to the Mako site and look up what military grade means (in relation to guitar amps).

    And yes I've looked inside one.

    I'm not defensive, I dont really care if you like the amp or not... but from a technical stand point, you are talking out of your ass.

    Chassis flex? Have you even PLAYED a diezel?? It's got thick ass aluminum w/ reinforced ends... not to mention the 1/4" of faceplate on both sides- there is ZERO chassis flex.

    And I am still waiting for what you didnt like about the build quality of the Diezel. You still havent given an example of a failure, or even a design flaw.

  5. Originally posted by thegame

    Yeah I'm sure, based on the observations of a few techs who've examined these amps when I've brought them over (minus the Roccaforte - no one on this board is going the doubt the superlative build quality of Doug's amps).

    So a few backyard techs made a half wit statement? These techs inspected the Diezel? Dougs work is great (he's one of 4 I'd take a marshall to), but his amps have a more basic layout and dont require some of the routing that Peters amp does.

    Thegame, you simply don't know what you are talking about. Why don't you "examine" a diezel YOURSELF, and state what isn't built well about it?


  6. Originally posted by thegame

    Diezel build quality is very good, but I'd stop short of calling it exceptional. Some amps that have much better build quality include Wizard, Roccaforte and Mako. These are truley built like tanks.

    What is your basis for this??

    I dunno about you, but the PC board is thick, the solder is clean, the wires are routed super clean, and everything is beyond military grade. Dude, every cap in the thing is level to each other.

    There's a lot of attention to detail, not to mention the quality of the components inside. The weight doesn't come from the tolex and handle!!

    Look inside one before you start talking about the quality of an amp.


  7. I am so glad you understood my post. At the end of the day, I realllly do not care that someone disliked something I like. Variety kicks ass... and their are certainly amps I have played that I liked or disliked as well. But I give each one a fair shake.


    It's all good.



  8. One of the horrendous things about the GC/Diezel deal is the fact that countless message boards will now be littered with people that spent 2 minutes at quiet volumes and $500 credit limits that want to bash it and claim how their "X" amp smoked it.


    Sorry folks, but this is an amp that takes tweaking and understanding. To simply write it off as a high polished recto is bull{censored}.


    And it has nothing to do with the fact I own one. I could easily sell mine and be happy with my JMP... and still have the same opinions. I've lent my Herbert out to a few and everyone seems to agree that it takes a day or two to REALLY understand what it is and how to get what you need out of it.


    NO ONE ever said a Diezel was great because of the price. It's great because it reacts like a single channel amp, has an infinite aray of tones in it and is built like a tank.


    "It's not for me" posts are fine, but give the amp an honest chance, instead of having a predisposition against it. To me, anyone who simply writes insults on the price, or lame comparisons to manufacturers DOESN'T GET IT.


    No one ever posts a real amp review anymore.



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