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Posts posted by makingbeds

  1. WANT TO BUY-i need 8 george l's right angled cables, or any other solderless cable system. i just need 8 ends and some cable, or a link to where i can get the cable.









    compressor sold.. $85 for the tubeworks. it has a fender tube in it at the moment.



    also very interested in trades that aren't overdrives. let me know what you have. i would trade for the george l's as well.


    i really don't want to sell the cab. i want to trade it for an 8 ohm 2 by 12 or something of the like. its in fine condition but i just need something more portable.

  2. loner stoenr,


    as for point #2-are you serious about the sub genre thing? "indie" or "hipster" music can include, noise, drone, twee, shoegaze, folk, post punk, dance punk, etc.


    It is the same with metal including doom, shred, etc...


    #3-many "hipsters" are great musicians. see beirut, stars of the lid, battles, midlake. Most of the people in these bands are great songwriters, music theory buffs, or jazz musicians.


    #4-Sufjan Stevens isn't "indie." I think you sort of don't know what indie is, and therefore have a bad view of it.

  3. Spectral Julian-


    I agree that the bands you listed are sort of dumbed down versions of other bands, with the exception of modest mouse (considering that johnny marr is now in the band). Do you actually consider these to be hipster bands? When i think of hipster bands i think of xiu xiu, animal collective, aids wolf, melt bannana, shit robot, etc. I dont consider those bands to be hipster at all, because everyone listens to them.


    Yes, a lot of times hipsters can be pretentious, but hipsters tend to innovate a lot as well. I think sometimes people take pretentia for someone being an asshole.

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