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Posts posted by Large

  1. I'm quite through with this discussion. I've made the same point over and over and it's going to remain the same. I've just ended up saying the same thing to people who clearly aren't interested in hearing any point but their own.

    The seller was entirely stupid for giving away something he was hoping was valuable to the first person he asked an appraisal from, someone who makes a living from shorting people on their property. To me, with all of the options to find the value of an item, even without the internet, I feel there's no excuse to be so gullible, and simply "throwing them away" seems like an act of petty aggression that clearly on hurt himself.

    The seller was an unreasonable douchebag, and there's no way around that. I'm hardly defending him, or condoning what he did. But a new chump is born every day, and if you aren't careful, scum like this will take you for everything you've got.

    this guy got really mad lol

  2. Maybe you missed this post:

    Except that all that "unamazing" playing is loaded with
    ? How unoriginal.

    Personally, I think the guy's technique is above average (nothing amazing), but his note selection and phrasing appeal to me. I can understand why it might not be someone else's cup of tea, but I personally think it's pretty good.

  3. I like Santana quite a bit too but haven't listened to much since Supernatural. Is there anything you all would recommend I should pick up?


    It seems like he does a lot of one-offs with other artists lately. "Game of Love" with Michelle Branch springs to mind.

  4. Some of you may be unfamiliar with the situation so I feel it is worthwhile to briefly explain how we arrived at this point.

    About 6 months ago I listed a guitar FS/FT here, I was contacted by IS and we agreed on a trade. I made the mistake of shipping my guitar first, and once he had the tracking info in hand he approached other HC members and worked out another deal. By the time my guitar arrived at his house he had already shipped out the guitar that was supposed to have been mine. At this point he starts to tell me that it is snowing and nothing will get in or out, and that the guitar is needed in order to finish a recording project. I finally get pissed and call him out on the forum and lo and behold a bunch of people come out of the woodwork with similar complaints. I received several PMs from people who claim that he was trying to trade away my guitar. I doubt the guitar was used just once since I received multiple emails from him telling me how much he loved the guitar; he had it in his possesion for more than one day( all the while telling me he will send me his end of the trade even though he no longer owned it).

    The smell was incredibly strong, I tried airing it out at my office but it smelled so bad they made me take it home. I live in a small apartment and do not have a balcony or a garage, and having it home for 1 day my whole place stunk. I took it to my luthier because I felt more comfortable having him address it, I boxed up the case for 2 weeks with 8 packets of baking soda and it still stunk. Here is an excerpt from a PM I received while I was still trying to get my guitar back:

    "Oh, and I hope it dosen't come back reeking like an ashtray, that was my only complaint with him, took me # weeks to get the smell down, had to leave the guitar and case in the garage it stunk up the whole place so bad, I had to trade it localy to a store for a lose cause I couldn't stand the smell!

    I have other PMs from members with similar stories.

    My Luthier said to pitch it when it still smelled after 2 weeks, I offered to give it to him for free and he didn't want it. I don't smoke and none of my other guitars had been exposed to smoke so I had no use for it. In fact, other guitars that I have come across from people who smoke never smelled like this. I live in a 2 room apartment and did not want do deal with the smell so I tossed it; whether others feel this is irrational it was my choice, and you have no idea how bad it smelt.

    I think I am being reasonable here, he keeps promising to pay me and never does. I have been out the money for months, and to be honest I havent even picked up the Ibanez because of all the negativity associated with it.

    I have no problem providing a receipt and contact info for my luthier, but based on interchanges that I have seen here on the forum I don't want to expose him to verbal abuse.

    I am out well over the amount I am asking for, and when you factor in all the hours of wasted time, frustration, transportation costs etc. the number is even larger.

    I thought I was being more than fair with what I asked for...... I PM'd him my rationale since I felt it was better left between us, but if I am way off base here let me know.

    I just want this over with, but don't feel that I should be the one absorbing the cost for his attempt to defraud me.

    You're being completely reasonable, but at this point (as one member suggested), it's time to cut your losses. I'd take the shipping from Indianscout, and never deal with him again.

    My 2c.

  5. nice attempt, I hope one of your family members get sick so they get made fun of too, how childish...

    the fact is I think he's asking too much and now they have cut me so I only have SSDI to live on and they cut into that too..

    so I don't have the funds, so no excuse just the truth..

    and please leave my wife out of this along with my culture you don't have a clue other than to bash both..

    omfg im on your side here

    i know your pain, both my wife, brother, and three kids are sick...and my utility company still excepts me to pay bills?? :facepalm:

  6. I think I misunderstood the situation in my last post; I thought Gegg&H had bought a guitar that smells bad. Seems the guitar was returned to him in that condition... In that case it is utterly unacceptable for IndianScout not to compensate him for a new case and the cost of cleaning. If you return something significantly altered from its initial state then you should expect to have to pay; it's pretty simple.

    $200 is a pretty conservative amount to ask for. If IndianScout wants to make things right, he should pay at least that much.

    hey man he's native american AND his wife is dying, surely that exempts him from all societal expectations

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