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Posts posted by BuggyMan

  1. I WAS in a mood. Its like MRJAAJR is saying. I was tired of seeing this crap and reading all these internet bad asses spew crap in a for sale forum. Point is I should have bit my lip but enough is enough. About that beer Im in but Id rather bourbon on the rocks:)

    I'm down with bourbon on the rocks!:thu:

  2. "this place has become a {censored}ing adolescent playground full of people that don't seem to have the common sense to wipe their own ass, much less contribute anything worth while on here."

    My exact point. The crying was directed towards all the idiots who have nothing to contribute but lame hateful statements not Greggh. I do think he was being anal but thats just me. He got back his guitar with some headaches but he got it. You'd think by all his following the guy around forum to forum and {censored} that he never got his guitar back. I for damn sure think the dude owes him the shipping money but asking for all the pain and suffering money is excessive in my OPINION.

    Point is Buggy man I feel like youre a cool dude and you would damn sure feel like Im a cool dude if you met me but this thread should have been dead long ago. EVERYONE knows what an ass IS made of himself. All the piling on is just pissing me off and I dont even know the guy. So yeah if the real me is sick and tired of dudes who had nothing to do with the deal spewing pages and pages of negativity thats me.

    So if it came across dicky Im sorry I never personally attacked the guy like you did me and I should have never even commented, but dont bring my momma into this joke of a thread and dont try to be an internet tough guy or Im gonna lose respect for you. Im a grown man you can talk to me like one.

    Never brought your mother in and never would.

    My comment is about ALL your post last night. Take a look at what all you said last night man. You were is a mood or something, and you just came across negative in just about every post you made last night.

    I agree, this whole mess should have died long ago. But at the same time, IS should have made everything right too. Think about it, if he had done this to you, you would be pissed too and expect it to be fixed. And IS is a friend of mine and I am pissed at him for letting this happen and then carry on like it has.

    And I'm not trying to be internet tough guy. But the way you came across is just added to the pile of BS mounting farther than it needs to be. And It just bugged the hell out of me. I just happen upon the same threads as you last night and your post just got to me (and others). The very thing you are sick of, I am too, and it seems like you were just fanning the flames.

    I'm sorry I came off like a dick. And sorry I personally attacked you. But I felt something had to be said.

    Now I say we meet for a beer sometime if I ever make it to your neck of the woods or you to mine :thu:

  3. Losing several hundred dollars guy? You paid an F'ing luthier over a hundy to clean your stinky guitar bwahhhh hahahaha. That is lame I dont care what the Indian clown did. Then you threw away the case?! Really? Really? Come on guy take the shipping money and just stop it. You all are bugging me. Him for being a well documented ass, you for being such a clean freak, and every other piling on clown. Go get into a contest of nanny nanny booboo with a 5 year old and let these two work it out. If you wont take the shipping money which is all you are out if you wouldnt have taken a guitar to be taken apart to be cleaned and be done with it. Or just ask for a F'ing million for your pain and suffering.

    P.s. the sea I got a rig hangin. Ive only had good deals with good people the guy got his guitar back. Thats the bottom line hes acting like he never got it back. Now the other clown is offering to pay for the shipping and hes still whinning

    Man, I thought you were a cool dude until I seen your post from last night. Either you were high, bi-polar or the real you finally showed.

    You must have a thick {censored}ing skull not see what a {censored}ing idiot you have been. I get it, all fun and games for you. But you are the only guy coming across here that needs to spit his momma teat out of his mouth. I usually keep my thoughts and comments to myself, but you just acted like a total {censored}ing dick all night.

    And Scout, you and I have been friends for a long time, and I have watched all these threads over all these forums, and I have to say, the way things have gone down for you in the past few months on here are way out of sort for you and I have to say you have not handled yourself well. I know deep down you are a great guy, you {censored}ed up. Instead of throwing insults and making it worse, you really should try to make amends. I understand real life got bad, but you should have acted like an adult and walked away from any trades/deals until things got stable. And you should do better to keep your deals straight with who is getting what and who is sending you what for what.

    Now asking for legal advise may seem like a good idea, but if you went to court, you would lose. It is cut and dry. You got the goods in good faith and it was your responsibility to either follow through with the original deal or return the goods in ORIGINAL CONDITION. I know you have your customs and what not, but legally, it was not you property to preform these rituals on.

    And as far as the deal you guys had originally, I think he would have been just as upset with the smell of the guitar he would have gotten from you. It was partly his fault for not asking about smells, as it was mine when we dealt in the past. But I have learned to ask from now on. And most people "assume" it is smoke free and clean. 90% of the deals here or anywhere are. And are expected to be or otherwise stated ahead of time.

    And the comment of it seen as insult to remove the smell.. Well, to some people it is an insult to add it. I know you are defending your rights and all, but you are not the ONLY person that has rights. And in the case, you are wrong and had no right. The guitar was not legally yours like I said before.

    I know you can't just shell out the cash due to your situation. But I would suggest making it right in payments or what not.

    I look at from Greggh side and yours and from my own. Greggh is 100% correct in the idea of you couldn't follow through w/ the deal for what ever reason, you should return the guitar to him ASAP 100% Condition he sent it to you. I know you think the tobacco smell is "no big deal, it goes away", but it is. I mean what Greggh heritage had a ritual that smears poo (or worse) all over the guitar and sent it to you that way? Get my point?

    The argument of you should get the case because "You have to pay for it" I can see that, but I also see that he would not had to toss it if it was returned to him as it was sent...

    Unlike him, I had a garage to to clean the Strat I got from you. But it HAD to be left out there for 3 or more weeks to get the smell out.(never really did and to be clear, this is not just the "average smoker" or "gigging in smoking bars" either, this was full on knock you over smell. I can't even think of what it was like, I had never smelled it that strong before or since) I never complained to you, I took as a lesson learned, this is why I ask ahead of time now. But had been my guitar returned to me for what ever reason and it smelled like that, we would have had issues like you and he do now.

    With it all being said and done, I know you are good guy who {censored}ed up for what ever reason. But in the end, regardless of race, religion or whatnot, it is up to YOU to make it right as HUMAN BEING. Much less your heritage. I know you were/are an honorable man, and I would like you to return to that. What ever it takes.

    I've always had respect for you man. I would like to think I wasn't wrong.

    You guys can attack me all you want. Steve you can attack me too, but I felt the need to say what I said in the open. I have had enough of the name calling, and all the bull{censored} involved. Like I said before, I know you are better than this and this place has become a {censored}ing adolescent playground full of people that don't seem to have the common sense to wipe their own ass, much less contribute anything worth while on here. And for the few that do, thank you.

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