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Posts posted by tiltsta

  1. Yeah, the selling market sucks. It is a mix of extreme low ball offers from people who assume you HAVE to sell something and people who want to buy something in trade for crazy things. The last trade offer I got on a mint ibanez MIJ 7 string was for comic books, a paintball gun, and 20-30 used car batteries. WTF. I guess you were lucky to get any money at all, and at least you were smart enough to set a reserve.

  2. Most of the ads I see when searching for stuff are ebay stores selling the items for what I can get them for locally or at other online stores. I was just looking for a set of cymbals, and there were 90 listings from stores, all within like 10 bucks of each other (and guitar center), and two listings for used cymbals from private parties. Ebay needs to decide if they want to be an auction house or amazon.com.

  3. I'm starting to think that all of these amps are made by the same company and they just change the name from time to time to a different random animal ... my first amp was a 10 watt Tiger (I still have it, because I can't give it away), then Gorilla, Rhino, and now Raven ... it's a conspiracy of bad tone.


    I thought the same thing. As a general rule, amps named after animals suck (except maybe red bear, cobra, dragon, etc??). Anyway, I bet all this SS shitboxes are all made by the same company.

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