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Posts posted by VGW

  1. I'll share my worst one. Doing the show, getting the look from some lady, you know the drill. She's OK, kind of a big ass, but I've had worse, and just was in the mood that night. So I'm talking to her after the set, trying to see if I was reading the situation right, and I was. She drives me back to her place and we are making out.

    So we get to the point where I'm heading up the dress. Yes, I found a surprise. No, it wasn't a penis, it was a freakin' diaper. Apparently, I had a giant shocked look of WTF on my face. She just laughs, and says she doesn't have any problems or anything, she just thinks bar bathrooms are nasty and the wait is too long. Needless to say, I got outta there in a hurry.

    I've thought about this incident a lot since then, and there are so many unanswered questions. Was her explanation true? It was such a quick response, so I think it might have been. And if so, why didn't she lose it before we got busy? And also, how is pissing yourself less nasty than the bathroom?

    That incident freaked me out to the point that I swore off groupies for quite some time.

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