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Posts posted by Axe_34

  1. Is the A string touching the E string there in the last pic at the headstock? Is that bad cause that happens with my G and B strings.


    Nope. I just checked. It's the slight angle of the photo. They're close, but not touching.

  2. Hi all. First post in the acoustic forum.














    Went with the Taylor 110e. I must have played 30 different acoustics and this one's tone and playability was better than any of the others'. Straight out of the box too. The 210 with the rosewood sides and back didn't sound any different and, truth be told, I like the black binding on the 110 as opposed to the 210's white binding.


    My other acoustic -- my first guitar -- was purchased two years ago. Simon and Patrick six-string cedar top. I bought it when I didn't know anything about guitars. Now that I do, I realize I hate the neck and chording is really tough, even with lighter-gauge strings. The Taylor feels like it's chording itself. And it sounds absolutely dead compared to the Taylor.


    I recorded this clip straight into an EMU-0404 and then into Reaper. No mics -- cable right into the interface.


    The EQ on the Taylor was straight up and no EQ on Reaper either. Just added a bit of reverb.



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