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Posts posted by kpatz

  1. despite me saying the only thing I'm doing is voting and I'm not making anyone do anything because of some mythical Force. This isn't Star Wars

    If you're voting for the anti-choice candidate, and they outlaw abortion, then anyone who voted for that candidate can be at least indirectly blamed for forcing their views on the rest of us.


    But, like I said, this whole abortion thing is nothing compared to the other baggage that our anti-choice candidate and his scatterbrained wingnut sidekick brings to the table.

    why not condemn me to the death penalty already?

    If McCranky and Wingnut win, they gain access to the nuke button, possibly condeming all of us to the death penalty. And even if they don't, 4 more years of neocon policy will reduce this once-great country into a 3rd world wasteland, with all our jobs shipped overseas, trillions in debt we'll never be able to repay, and the healthcare crisis will make "death by coat hanger" seem like the better choice...


    And for the record, I did vote, first thing this morning! :D

  2. Me and my wife are considering adoption down the road, it's something we've always talked about.

    That's a wonderful thing to do.

    But the way you make it sound, it sounds like nazi registration. Should we wear a mandatory badge too?

    If abortion is outlawed, I would love to say to my MIL, "how would you like it if people who couldn't get abortions left their unwanted babies on your doorstep?" Heck, I'd be handing her address out in the maternity ward. ;)

    Well I guess I know what you think about me, too

    You strike me as too intelligent to use only that issue when deciding on a candidate (note that I base that on the fact that you post on a synth forum). Do any real issues such as the economy, the environment, the war in Iraq, education (which those babies you save will need!) carry any weight as well?


    Abortion tends to be a hot-button topic for me, for a number of reasons. One was my mom was/is a foster parent, so I got to experience more than my fair share of "unwanted" babies growing up. The other is my MIL, who seems to be universally wrong or at least clueless about everything. Actually Sarah Palin reminds me of my MIL in a lot of ways, which is why she makes my skin crawl. :)


    From a political perspective, I think abortion should be a non-issue. Why? Because the president, Congress, etc. have more important things to discuss, such as the collapsing economy. Those who are against abortion don't have to have one. Those who are "for" abortion (well, actually, the CHOICE) aren't being forced to have them, but they at least have the option if it becomes necessary. Also, abortion tends to be an issue due to religion, and religion and politics rarely mix without exploding in one's face.

  3. I think if the anti-choice group has their way, and abortion is outlawed, all "pro-lifers" should be required to be registered on a list, much like sex offenders, so that when an unwanted baby that they "saved" is born, it can be left on their doorstep. After all, if they're so pro-life and care about babies, they won't mind raising it, right?


    The other thing that gets me, is some people (my idiot mother in law comes readily to mind), use abortion as their only issue when choosing a candidate to vote for. This is part of the reason how Bush ended up with 2 terms. Never mind that he forked up everything he did, and pretty much destroyed everything this country has stood for, and funny, abortion is still legal...


    Fortunately, between me and my wife, we can outnumber the idiot MIL's vote.


    This is the end of my semi-rant. Back to talking about more pleasant things like synths. ;)

  4. Are you worried about your job? A little, but so far, things are looking ok.


    Ability to pay rent or mortgage? No problem here. I have money saved.


    Your retirement / 401k? Worst that can happen is my retirement will be cremation instead of a casket...


    Are you putting off purchases? Not really, got a synth coming, will sell a couple others, and then I'll keep the setup stable for a while (assuming I actually like the new synth)


    Is it altering your income directly from music? I see a 20% decline... well, 20% of zero is zero. ;)


    Are you worried about a prolonged recession? Always. If I lose my job, I often have trouble finding another.

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