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Posts posted by Willyguitar

  1. ^^ That's true to a great extent. Some people do give a rat's arse about music, but this isn't really much of a place to get into any kind of useful conversation about music unfortunately. However, it can be a place to identify other like-minded folk with whom, eventually, you could exchange musical ideas, or even collaborate.


    To cite a couple:


    Musical collaborators: Mistersully, Jkater, and some others like Great Dane and DavidMgt (or whatever his name is)


    Musical ideas: Honeyiscool


    And then there is the walking encyclopedia of guitar and amp knowledge himself: Wyatt


    Apart from that there are the kings of forum wit: DaveAronow and JJ Pistols (whoever he is)


    And our very own music journalist who has basically met most of the bands worth meeting (at least in UK): CSM.

  2. Don't be so dramatic, have a laugh, love one another, spread the happiness around.

    It may be that all the wisdom that came from this place has now been globally disseminated and every dude and his gal are buildin custom 'Casters better'n Leo ever did

    Besides, I have the original map that shows the way back to where the forum was, I can mail copies at a moderate price depending on what sorta paper you wanted it printed on and whether you demand genuine HP toner or will any old generic powder do?


    Yes, I agree. Some people need to chill out. It's just a sad little forum people by hacks and wannabes, which can be very useful, but which should be mostly FOR FUN


    (and for CSM to get his ideas for his articles in Guitarist of course)

  3. Call me strange, but it's a personal preference. I'd rather go to Mexico than Spain because to me, I think it'd be more interesting


    Maybe, but don't be fooled by the crappy image created by our compatriots (ie. the Brits abroad). Spain has some wonderful cities. Barcelona is one of the greatest cities in Europe and the quieter parts of the Med/Atlantic coast are wonderful.

  4. Moan moan moan moan moan.

    You celebrate your 'freedoms' in a free market economy, and all you can constantly do is MOAN about how expensive the products of your luxurious lifestyle are. You vote for governments that decide to base their policies on the rule of the market in almost every facet of your lives, but all you can do is complain about it.

    The biggest rip offs are the following: insurance costs in nearly any context, estate agents bills (both of these economic activities are basically extractive, producing nothing and not usually based on more than the marshalling of data); lawyers fees (let me charge you

  5. Clearly, Hendrix would have become a punk, cut his hair and would have ousted Steve Jones as main guitarist for the Sex Pistols. Then he would have married someone who produces packaged ready-meal recipes, divorced that person, appeared on Big Brother, and I'm A Celebrity Get me Out of Here, put on a huge amount of weight... then he would have made a come-back, and appeared on 'Later' with Jools Holland for the release of his new album of Ukrainian folk played on a hurdy gurdy, jammed with a celtic rockabilly outfit, and would make some money on the side acting in tv ads for car insurance.


    Now that is FACT, and not just my opinion.

  6. It's a sad truth that visible ink will very likely affect your chances of getting a job in certain fields but I'm not really affected as being an electrician everybody already thinks I'm a {censored} before they even open the door.


    :lol: Priceless.


    I don't have a tattoo and don't intend getting one, mainly because I'm a coward and don't like too much pain. However, I would count it like any other kind of prejudice to judge someone on their appearance like that. It's just wrong. In fact, my Daily Mail reading mother is really against them, which seems like the perfect justification for getting one... except I'm just a bit too afraid of the pain. And, it would look like a mohecan on Prince Charles on me.

  7. I didn't read through all the thread... got to Aenemated, and then just...





    that must hurt.


    My lovely wife wants to get get one just at the top of her arse. I haven't discouraged her, but she can be a bit fickle at times.

  8. Telecaster. It is just one of the 'right' guitars for me - I like that bridge pickup and the overall simplicity of it... and it's the first and greatest solid body. I can never get a strat to sound right and although I really love Les Pauls (especially Juniors), they don't quite fit my personality in the same way.

  9. A: Gibson can make a great product.

    B: I don't believe you have to pay Gibson prices to get Gibson quality.

    If you want to pay top dollar for Gibson, PRS, et al. Go right ahead. Those are great guitars.

    For me that would be a dreadful waste of money that would make me inconsolable. Even if I were to buy a Gibson, it would be used and at a giveaway price. I wouldn't mind owning one. I just don't think they're worth the money.

    Before I'd buy a Gibson, I'd by the Epi, rewire it, add GFS pickups, mod the hardware and have a guitar that plays and sounds so close to a high priced Gibson that it would make the stockholders sad. Also, I'd take my family to Disney World with the difference in Gibson price and what I spent.

    Besides which, I think most Epi Standards play well and sound pretty good anyway.

    I've been playing guitar for over 40 years and was around when Fender and Gibson were the only game in town. They're not anymore and it's silly to presume that they are.

    I have seen all kinds of guitars wear badly, suffer abuse and look like {censored}. I believe it's called relic'ing.

    Hooray for some sense!! For god's sake, it doesn't take much working out. Epis - only around

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