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Posts posted by TWPietz37

  1. Originally posted by guitar shmoe

    keep biting the hand that feeds and desecrating the symbols that (are supposed to) unite...every one here wants to run the leftist smack but none wants to go out and pay for the right to do it...let some nameless soldier pay...right?

    if you are against the war then: SAY IT!...no need to burn our flag or throw a hissy fit...

    if you are against this present administration: SAY IT! you have complete freedom to express your opinion!

    Paid for by people you piss on!

    I'm not afraid to express my opinions of the way the government is running things, and you know what? That's one of the great things about America. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have never burned the American flag, nor do I ever intend to. However, although I think it is a stupid and insensitive thing to do, I think it is completely undermining everything this country stands for to try and limit what is essentially guaranteed under the first amendment. What makes this country so great is the freedoms which we are afforded (including the "right" to burn the flag.)


  2. Originally posted by guitar shmoe

    as if we have the necessary information to make ANY judgment about these issues...most of these issues (political 'Bush bashing' etc... anti-war mongers...stop the war now or else!!! Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger will leave the country!
    )....are completely SECRET! and, RIGHTFULLY SO!...my wife works for 'black ops' for the govt. ah, there is NO WAY that the average John Q Citizen is going to have access to national security sensitive information at the PUBLIC level...( if we know it, then, our enemies know it...) man, FIGURE IT OUT! if your primary source of information is the evening news, left-wing college professors, CNN or Fox News etc...you are only MILDLY/BIASED informed at that...so stop basing such an 'I know it all' attitude towards this present administration...YOU DON'T HAVE EVEN THE 'TIP OF THE ICEBERG' amount of information to base your Republican or Bush bashing upon...man, guitar players are so easily manipulated into believing anything...especially massaged by the left. Some of yous guys make me ashamed to be a guitar player...

    You make me ashamed to be a human being.


  3. Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

    I don't think it should be illegal to burn the flag, I just said that I don't like it. That's like someone calling your mom a bitch from across the street. He didn't do anything illegal but it still bothers you.

    I just don't get what flag burning accomplishes. Burn an effigy of a person. Why burn a flag that represents ideals, people of various religions and races, etc.? The flag does not represent the government. It represents freedom.

    I completely agree with you, and I would never burn the American flag. However, in principle, I do not think that it should be illegal for the same reasons others mentioned here.


  4. Originally posted by SkidMarx

    it astounds me that with things like this people still argue that WE are the problem on this planet. It's unbelievable:


    where's the f-ing UN? Here we have a president of a nation that seeks nuclear weapons calling for the elimination of an entire nation and the killing of it's people based on religion and the UN has yet to do a damn thing about it. Is it any big surprise that when the last lunatic spewed rhetoric like this they stood by and watched while he murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people? This is outrageous and further proof of how USELESS the UN is. Get them the F out of my country, NOW.




    BUT - Israel can still suck my fat cock.



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