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Posts posted by BadCompany89

  1. Okay, so I believe God created the world in 6 days, and rested on the seventh. My facts? Well its there in the Bible.

    Or at least, something like that. Because God is not inside of Time, nor is He controlled by Time. And I don't believe He created humans to be controlled by Time either. Time is a manmade concept, not a God-made one. Remember it was Moses who wrote Genesis, and Moses wrote about TIME because that is what he understood. CAn we understand a world outside of Time? NO. But That is where God lived. And before Adam and Eve sinned, God would walk the Earth with Adam and Eve... they just EXISTED together. But I Think that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit they introduced the knowledge and restrictions of TIME on themselves. From then on everything was measured in TIME. We are controlled by TIME. But God isn't. Who knows what it means for the world to be created in six days? Is it our understanding of six days? OR is it GOD's? 2 Peter 3:8 says 'But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.' I think this is just showing that for God, maybe to Him, one day is not one day, but hundreds, or thousands.

    But we can't know. I know God created the world in 6 days, what that means I don't know.

    YEs maybe carbon dating stuff can date the world back millions of years but how do we know that stuff really works? Its pretty new technology and its something that is not reliable if you look at it scientifically.

    Until the day we die we are never gonna know for sure what happened at the beginning of the world, but I believe that God created male and female, male and female HUMANS to be more precise, on the 6th day.


  2. I'm starting to think that all of these amps are made by the same company and they just change the name from time to time to a different random animal ... my first amp was a 10 watt Tiger (I still have it, because I can't give it away), then Gorilla, Rhino, and now Raven ...
    it's a conspiracy of bad tone



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