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Posts posted by cruster

  1. The alternative is revolution, and they have the army.

    The alternative to voting for "the lesser of two evils" is to vote for a "good" candidate. Of course, now we simply must segue into a metaphysical debate about the exact nature and definition of "good." :blah: Besides, revolutions come in many forms. Most are non-violent, or at least minimally violent and do not involve armies or armed uprising.

  2. ...there is a little more nuance to the lesser of two evils choice in some cases...

    Choosing the "lesser of two evils" is still making a conscious choice for evil. I think it's great that so many people are willing to express their belief in and support of evil. This is not directed at you specifically and no animosity is intended.

    In any case, (though obviously this isn't an argument to vote as they do), people like Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn...

    I don't particularly care what Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn have to say, but, thanks for sharing this:

    ...have both suggested that (while agreeing with your main points) voting for Obama will make a difference for some people.

    And voting for McCain will make a difference for some other people. What is their point? That the people that Obama might help are more deserving than the people that McCain might help? Sounds rather judgmental to me.

    So it comes down to a choice of helping them, or going for the long range strategy of voting for a 3rd party

    I read this as "it comes down to a choice of voting for evil or not." It seems to me that a lot of voters have an investment in casting a "winning" vote. That is, they want their vote to go to the candidate who ultimately has a chance of winning the election. Third party candidates who arguably represent positions that are more in line with the citizenry do not stand a chance, therefore, the "must win" voters choose evil. Every time.

    , or just refusing to participate in the charade. I think that both are legitimate choices in this election - but I don't think that it's fair to dismiss those who will hold their nose and vote for Obama.

    I believe that the only vote that is wasted is the one not cast. I disagree that Obama and McCain are legitimate choices insofar as they represent dueling marketing divisions of the dominant party in the US. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. The Hegelian dialectic played out in the public square, bald faced and most are unaware.

    Wait, there're some lyrics there....

  3. Well, I had a chance to finish a page on the Proteus FX , and since this unit has the Proteus 2 patch used by Mark Snow for the song, I thought I would post it...

    (used in
    The X-Files theme
    ) Cool, uh? uh?


    Hearing it uneffected (I'm assuming) and all by its lonesome, it reminds me of Isao Tomita. Now I'm going to have to go break out that album and listen to that Arabesque track again!


    a jumbo acoustic guitar... realistic


    The playing was nice, did you do that "by hand" or use an arp? A couple of times I think it strayed almost into harpsichord area, though. Still, a good sounding acoustic guitar.


    a surprisingly realistic choir


    Better than the choir sounds I've found in the K2500 so far. :mad:


    an expressive violin, classic Emulator sounds


    Very nicely played; I think the playing made the patch on that one.


    an analog pad from a very digital unit


    Bladerunner meets Tales From the Dark Side. :rolleyes: NTTAWWT. :p


    like on the classic Roland GM set


    I swear that patch (or the Roland one) was on just about every late-night 80s cheesy "horror" show.


    a cool 1960s Lounge organ


    Sounds a little thin to me, but I am not the guy to ask about organ sounds.


    more orchestral goodness


    Not bad for an orch patch.


    Thanks for posting those. I see the Proteus units come and go on feePay and sometimes wonder whether or not they're worth the effort. I might have to pick one up. Where does the Proteus FX fall in the range of Proteus boxes, though? How does it compare to, say, a Proteus 2000 or 2500?

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