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Posts posted by FireWithin

  1. Back off on the compression of the kick drum. If it's not RMS detection then it's often best used on drums for shaping the attack, but not so much for gaining volume. If it is RMS compression, then turn it off, It's only going to ruin your kick drum sound and give it a bloated sort of feel. Unless it's really short and whimpy to start with.

    My advice however would be to listen to what's covering up those parts of the kick drum sound that you need to identify it rhythmically. If the high end crack of the kick is at 2.5k, then maybe cut that frequency a bit in the guitar and bass tracks. Also, I'd suggest not cutting 180hz too much unless it really does need it. That's a nice frequency that can translate well to lots of other speakers. There's nothing more annoying then a bass drum that doesn't have a good bit of body/bass until about 100hz.

    Also, maybe find another frequency a bit higher, it might be between 4k and 8k, where the attack of the bass drum really seems to stand out, and give that a bit of a boost.

    Oh, and don't be afraid to spend a lot of time automating the volume itself.

    Hope this helps.

    Big help! Thanks a ton!

  2. I plan to jump in here and listen to you guys stuff as I do not feel it is right to ask for a review without reviewing someone elses material first....but, the days almost over so i'll get back to that monday.

    in the mean time, if anyone has a chance, please review any of the songs here at www.myspace.com/firewithinmusic

    I feel I am having a problem getting the kick loud enough without having to use allot of compression which ruins the songs. Anyone have suggestions on drum kick eq curve?

    Right now, I am cutting around 180hz and boosting around 2.5k but apperently, thats not doing the trick as I am not hearing the kick!

    Thank ahead, monday I'll def return the favor, great thread!

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