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Posts posted by thinkpad20

  1. Aleph null, or aleph one infinity?



    Unfortunately, I never really went that far in set theory... I was a physics major so most of my math was based on calculus and a little probability. But I had a good dose of (introductory) number theory along the way.

  2. The problem here is that many people don't understand what infinity means, mathematically. Which isn't surprising; it's a tough concept, especially seeing as infinity (arguably) doesn't really exist in the world that we experience. But mathematically, it is very real and very well understood.

  3. no. .999... approaches 1.0 but never reaches 1.0. there will always be an infinitesimal difference. always.

    Sigh. You clearly just don't know what you're talking about. The matter is resolved...

  4. No, it doesn't. It's as
    as you can possibly get to 1 without actually getting 1. Also, whoever posted 9/9 = .999... is an idiot.



    Nope; you're wrong. Look, I don't know what to say. Go up and read some of the 5 or so proofs that have already been shown. As long as the 9's go on for infinity, it is equal to one. End of story. There's no discussion to be had really; this is just math. If you don't understand it, it's likely just that you haven't learned about infinite sums or limits or whatnot. Or you've forgotten what you had learned.

  5. let's make this simple. the OP states .999_ = 1

    0.999... does not equal 1.0 no matter how you think about, put it, calculate it

    it gets close but does not equal 1.0

    Yes it does. There have already been about 4 or 5 proofs/demonstrations that show this.

    It seems your flaw of thinking is that with 0.9999.... the 9s end at some point. Well they don't. They keep on going for infinity. If they did end at some point, then yes, you could say "it gets close but does not equal 1." But since they never end, it is equal to 1.

    Look, no one ever said that it would be easy....

  6. nope.


    Yes in fact it is; it's the same thing. Here's two demonstrations:


    1) It's impossible to come up with a number that would fit in between 0.999999... and 1 (just try to think of one and you'll immediately understand this). Therefore 0.999999... cannot be less than 1. Alternatively, of course, it is not greater than 1. If a is neither greater or less than b, then a = b. Therefore, 0.9999... = 1.



    2) Another, perhaps easier way to think of it is this:


    Start with the axiom that if a - b = 0, then a = b. Now follow this train:


    1 - .9 = 0.1

    1 - 0.99 = 0.01

    1 - 0.99999 = 0.00001

    1 - 0.999999999....... = 0.000000000000.......


    So as you can see, the result of subtracting 0.99999... from 1 is a zero with an infinite number of 0s following it. With a finite number of 9s, you'd eventually reach a "1" in that decimal, but when the 9s continue forever, so do the 0s. And of course, 0.000000..... = 0.


    Therefore, 1 - 0.9999.... = 0, which going back to our previous axiom means that 0.9999... = 1.


    There are several other ways to show it too (some cool calculus stuff, things with infinite sums and all that) and I'm sure I could be more rigorous in my mathematics there but I think it gets the point across. Yeah it's a bit of a mind{censored} but it's true.

  7. Supposedly, he posted at the Guitar World forums as well.



    He really seems intent on the "I've been signed to, count 'em, TWO major record labels :blah:"


    Michael, people who don't like your music don't give two peanut shits about what labels you've signed to, what Mike Varney says about you, whether or not you can "outshred" some other dude... none of that matters if they don't like your music.


    Not that Mike will ever read this but still... be a man, play your guitar. If the only way you respond to criticism is by waving meaningless bullshit like that in people's faces, well that doesn't exactly demand my respect. FWIW.

  8. He actually showed up in Guitar Jam once in response to a thread making fun of him. IIRC he got teh bant.


    LOL :lol::lol::lol:



    In all honesty, he seems like a nice guy. I watched his Speed Kills or whatever instructional video from way back when, when he had the aluminum V guitar (:facepalm:) and he was actually pretty funny...

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  9. Either way he has one of the worst haircuts in the history of metal... it's one that most people would :facepalm: themselves if they saw a picture of themselves with it in a high school yearbook or something. Either he's oblivious, he thinks it looks cool, or he thinks it "sets him apart" :facepalm:

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