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Posts posted by ViLo

  1. Originally posted by cyberwolf

    If you worked in my office, you'd hit "Postal" by the third day.

    Most of the drama queens here utter the phrase, "Oh My God!" atleast 10 times a day each. One in particular even has set a new office record of 50 in one day, sometimes up to 3 in 1 sentence, and, if speaking of a topic no one really asked about and no really even cares about, can be incredibly animated to the point of my researching voodoo dolls...

    Of course, imagine the various permutations of that phrase in various phonetically challlenged voices (particularly the drama queen/California Valley high school voice for emphasis) and you can imagine the level of dread I breach every day upon entering the office and being subjected to exaggerated stories at volumes that would wake Helen Keller...



    oh mi gooood!:D

  2. Originally posted by nat whilk II

    this phrase has I think a little known source (BTW it's break a leg, not brake)

    It's an anti-bad luck thing. Performer is about to go on stage, someone says, "You'll do great!!". The performer, a superstitious type says, "Don't say that - you'll jinx me", so the well-wisher says, "OK, break a leg!".

    And it caught on, but after a while the original meaning got left behind even 'tho the phrase is still used.

    nat whilk ii


    hummmmmmmm.....intresting, the way I heard it, and saw it in amovie, i'm sure they said break, making a motion with their hand as when you brake something.....:confused:

  3. Originally posted by SoulHitchHiker

    Oh, hell no. I'm just trying to figure out exactly what these folks are thinkin'! I haven't the foggiest.......... I guess it's all relative. As in, I used to pick up sh*t and now I drive the truck!

    Hummmm...The Next Level, maybe is like the next floor in an apartment complex, exactly the same as the first level.......;)

  4. Originally posted by SoulHitchHiker

    These are great! The one that makes me want to stomp bunnies is any reference to "the next level."

    As in: We're looking for a pro drummer to take us to the next level.

    Or: Looking for representation that will take us to the next level.

    Or (my personal favorite): Our new CD is really going to take us to the next level.

    WHAT IS THE NEXT LEVEL??? And why, for %(&($& sake is somebody or something else responsible for lifting that ever-so-deserving bunch of wanna-bes to (OMG do I have to say it??) that's right kids............ THE NEXT LEVEL.

    Thank you for allowing me this 30 seconds to piss and moan.

    Have you been there? I want to know how to get there! :D

  5. Originally posted by Alndln2 A couple of more detail

    The drive is the typical 4200rpm,but since all audio is running off the external FW WD drive so it really doesn't matter much, and since the machine runs fairly cool a faster internal drive would just needlessly heat things up more. ....


    So I can record to an external drive?

  6. Originally posted by Alndln2

    A couple of more details. The CPU is an AMD Newark(excellent) socket 754, and the laptop is based on the ATI chipset which I'm really starting to like with AMD. The graphics is an Ati mobility Radeon X600 256 mb which is not shared with system memory which is one gig DDR. The drive is the typical 4200rpm,but since all audio is running off the external FW WD drive so it really doesn't matter much, and since the machine runs fairly cool a faster internal drive would just needlessly heat things up more. I re-did Win XP home that shipped with the machine to get rid of all the infested crap(AOL etc.),then used Partion Magic to creat 2 more partitions and installed XP Pro stripped with XP Lite for DAW so it's like he has 2 machines, one for internet and crap and the other a stripped down XP Pro for DAW and the 3rd partition for storage. So far it's very solid and fast. Great deal for the money.


    Can I install a faster HD?

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