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Posts posted by keybdwizrd

  1. I would like to have one, and only one enhanced functionality in the next Motif:


    A complete set of multi-effects for each of the 16 parts.  No more of this "x" number of insert effects (3, 5, or 8, or whatever).


    I want single voices/programs to sound exactly the same in song mode as they do in single mode.  And I want 16 of them at once.


    The Virus TI has been able to do this since it was first released in 2005.


    Stop selling me keyboards with 16 multi-parts that don't include 16 multi-effects units!



  2. Maybe it's hard for some to believe there's still political conservatives in this country?


    There are, but the "moral majority" or "silent majority" or whatever you want to call it is quickly becoming a minority.


    The conservative political movement in the US, as it is and has been, is done. Finished. Washed up. Kaput. All you have to do is look at the diverse group of people showed up for the Obama rally last night, and compare it with the McCain crowd, which looked to me to be 99% white, and you'll see the handwriting on the wall.


    Moving forward it will become increasingly difficult to be elected to higher office in the US without having support from the African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and increasingly large group of post-Baby Boom voters, white or otherwise. My parents' generation - the ultra-conservative Perry Como set - is dying off rapidly. And the numbers of the Boomers are being equalized by the generations that have come afterward.


    The Republican party will need to seriously reinvent itself to remain relevant in the coming years. But it will be virtually impossible, IMHO, for the Republicans to become inclusive while simultaneously catering to the moral demands of fundamentalist Christians and Southern middle-class whites.


    All that being said, as seen in this election an increasing number of people may choose to vote across party lines and decide their support based more upon the individual than specific issues. What good is it if your president shares your views on abortion but {censored}s up the planet as a whole while in office?


    The Republicans have four years to find an energetic, charismatic, centrist candidate to run against Obama in four years. And most certainly that person cannot, and will not be Sarah Palin.

  3. Obviously you don't know a lot of christians.


    I was mainly referring to what I see/read in the media, and hear from the candidates themselves.

    That being said, I think most of my friends go through life without thrusting their viewpoints upon others, especially with regard to such personal and emotionally-charged topics. And the vast majority of them are Christians.

  4. Sizzle, international opinion of Mr. Bush has not had any effect, ever, on my travels. As I said, my observation is that overseas there is an anti-Bush sentiment, not an anti-American sentiment. And I am not Mr. Bush. :)

    Forgetting about tourism, because that's not what's really important here, do you believe there is any value to Americans, whatsoever, in having a president (and government in general) that is liked, admired, and respected by the governments and peoples in countries such as the UK, France, Italy, and Germany, just to name a few?

  5. I have traveled the world and there have been times I was scared to be an American. A president who could repair America's image would be nice.

    I travel overseas with my family once or twice a year, mostly to Europe. The sentiment I've seen and heard the most is anti-Bush, as opposed to anti-American. Lots of graffiti mentioning Bush comes to mind. That being said, I've certainly felt it best to maintain a low profile as Americans traveling abroad.

    There are many Americans - especially those who've traveled and have a more global perspective - who understand how important it is to win back the respect and trust of other nations in a post-9/11 world. Unfortunately, there are also large numbers of people here with strong nationalistic and isolationist tendencies wrapped up well-intentioned, yet narrow-minded patriotism.

    Tuesday will have much to say about the future of America and its direction in the world.

  6. Are you worried about your job? Earlier this year I left my employer of 17 years because the company/industry is deeply troubled and floundering. I plan to embark upon career v2.0 in 2009, but am afraid the economic problems could complicate that effort.


    Ability to pay rent or mortgage? No. My mortgage payment is relatively modest and I have substantial savings. Fortunately, during the past couple of years I moved a majority of my liquid assets out of the stock market. Whew.


    Your retirement / 401k? I don't plan to touch my 401k for at least 15 years. And I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself if I was "retired."

    Are you putting off purchases? Not really, but there's nothing significant I need to purchase at the moment, musical or otherwise. My main focus is putting my two kids (ages 17 and 19) through college.


    Is it altering your income directly from music? No, but if clubs scale back on live entertainment it could.


    Are you worried about a prolonged recession? Yes, absolutely.

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