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Posts posted by OldCrankyDouche

  1. Ill take Paypal.

    All prices include shipping. USPS Priority w/DC.


    Earthquaker Devices Disaster Transport

    Analog-voiced digital delay with modulation. Awesome delay pedal. Can be a pretty crazy noisemaker as well. In great condition. With box.



    9-Pin Electronics 808-style OD - "Yang"-SOLD

    Vox V112TV cabinet-SOLD

    Vox Pathfinder 15R-SOLD

    Catalinbread Super Charged Overdrive-SOLD




    *Must give credit appropriately - I dont have a camera, so I snagged these ^ pics from the people that I received the pedals from. Pics are of actual pedal.

  2. Ill take Paypal.

    All prices include shipping. USPS Priority w/DC.


    Earthquaker Devices Disaster Transport

    Analog-voiced digital delay with modulation. Awesome delay pedal. Can be a pretty crazy noisemaker as well. In great condition. With box.



    9-Pin Electronics 808-style OD - "Yang"-SOLD

    Vox V112TV cabinet-SOLD

    Vox Pathfinder 15R-SOLD

    Catalinbread Super Charged Overdrive-SOLD




    *Must give credit appropriately - I dont have a camera, so I snagged these ^ pics from the people that I received the pedals from. Pics are of actual pedal.

  3. 0401sale.jpg
    The only one Im not sure about is the HM-2. If someone offered something tasty enough, Im sure I could be talked into letting it go now.

    The other 3 are up for trade fo sho. Iffy switch on the flanger.

    All 4 for $175 shipped.

    HM-2, MA, and JH for an RC-2?

    Compressor? Not too squashy. Not too noisy. plz.

    Open to pretty much anything.

    RV-3 would be excellent. Or the Behr copy (DR400).

    MXR SOLD. Got some good trade offers, but keep em coming.

  4. 0401sale.jpg
    The only one Im not sure about is the HM-2. If someone offered something tasty enough, Im sure I could be talked into letting it go now.

    The other 3 are up for trade fo sho. Iffy switch on the flanger.

    All 4 for $175 shipped.

    HM-2, MA, and JH for an RC-2?

    Compressor? Not too squashy. Not too noisy. plz.

    Open to pretty much anything.

    RV-3 would be excellent. Or the Behr copy (DR400).

    I WANT to deal/trade. Im not taking time-based priority offers. If you have something better than the previous guy/offer, I might go with it. Im not going to back out on a deal, or leave someone in the dust, but Im looking for things, and if you offer em up, I might take them.

  5. 0401sale.jpg

    The only one Im not sure about is the HM-2. If someone offered something tasty enough, Im sure I could be talked into letting it go now.

    The other 3 are up for trade fo sho. Iffy switch on the flanger.


    All 4 for $175 shipped.

    HM-2, MA, and JH for an RC-2?

    Compressor? Not too squashy. Not too noisy. plz.

    Open to pretty much anything.

    RV-3 would be excellent. Or the Behr copy (DR400).

  6. Id like to trade top 3 for an RC-2, but I know that its highly unlikely. Offer up other trade stuff. I love trading.


    Im not totally sure about the HM-2 yet, as I am waiting for my FD2 to arrive, but I assume that the FD2 will kick the HM off my board/carpet, unless they pair well.

    Marshall Jackhammer

    Boss HM-2

    MXR Microamp

    DOD FX75-B with iffy switch

  7. so my trusty DL4 became not so trusty about 3 months ago.

    one of the stomp switches (middle-right) just fell down into the chassis.

    i tried to fix it myself, and that was not smart.

    the pedal works outside of the chassis. i plugged my Godlyke into it and worked with my fingers (the 3pdt switches just hit little black plastic buttons on the board) and it works PERFECTLY. i used it for a day or so w/ my laptop until i worried about it being knocked off a desk. it needs to be put back together or to be rehoused.

    that said,this will be a pretty easy put-together for any of you that are more technically inclined... most of the parts are present but a screw or two and a tiny spring.

    nothing functional is missing at all.

    i'd like to trade for any of the following types of gear:

    =OLD drum machines no matter how simple

    =a modded SD-1 or non-mid-humpy ts9 - any gritty OD w/out a cloudy signal

    =nearly any reverb pedal

    = an ernie ball jr. vol pedal

    = a boss HF-2, HM-2, or any PS-series

    = a decent mic similar in quality to an SM-57 or 58

    = $72 paypal for everything shipped to you

    if you want pictures i'll send them to your e-mail address, i can't get them to upload right now for some reason...


  8. BOSS OS-2 - $40 sh/pp

    THINKING ABOUT trading the Echo Park and Jackhammer. If youve got things that I want, I might let them go. I would probably trade the Echo Park for any combo of 2 pedals in my want list. Or, for an RC-2, and I would cap off with cash.




    -Ibanez PH7 Phaser

    -BOSS OD-3!!!

    -Behringer DR400

    -Volume pedal




    Its in decent shape. Some paint chips. Works like new. Ill sell for $40 shipped and paypal'd. PayPal only this time.

    Great OD sounds. Has a lot of gain on tap.


    Its the yellow one. Only pic Ive got.




  9. I'd sell my Arion phaser with Dano wallwart, like new, for $55 shipped.

    Im not trying to challenge your sale, but arent Arion Phasers available NEW from Ebay for like $25 shipped? Thats how much I paid for mine.....that broke. I bet yours is a Japan version. Much better.


    Will trade for another OD (Monkey?) or a Phaser (Ibanez PH7 is sounding good)

    Its in decent shape. Some paint chips. Works like new. Ill sell for $45 shipped and paypal'd. PayPal only this time.

    Great OD sounds. Distortion is a little DS-1ish, but just tun the COLOR knob counter clockwise, and you can take a little fizz off, or remove it completely. The OD has a lot of gain on tap


  11. Actually, its better to eat small when you ARENT necessarily hungry. The more hungry you are, the more fat is stored when you digest your food. Eating infrequently and massive amounts SLOWS the metabolism. (I have a feeling that this is what sainty meant.)


    Its better to eat 5 "snack" meals (healthy-ish stuff obviously) than 2 big meals a day.


    I walk 1.5 miles to work (and another 1.5 back home) everyday. I quit drinking alcohol. I eat more frequently, but much smaller portions. I eat greens everyday (or try to). I do 20 situps - twice daily (before and after work).


    Since January, I have lost around 30 pounds. I naturally have a slow metabolism, so this is quite an accomplishment.

  12. The NS-2 previously mentioned is now for sale.

    $60 shipped. Near mint.
    Allums standard modded DS-1. $45 shipped.

    Trade for a non-Muff fuzz, or a chorus pedal. But Im open to all trade offers. Or trades + cash if you have something on the low end that I would want.

    CONUS. Postal MO only.

  13. MA-DS-1.jpg




    BOSS DS-1 with Allums standard mod (TVon = Monte) - $45 shipped. A/B'd it with a stock DS-1, and this thing tames the bees nicely. I can even get a nice mild fuzz sound out of it. I would like to trade for a true fuzz pedal.


    BOSS NS-2 - I want to trade this for a TU-2. Or trade for a power supplying pedal (cash can be added to either end of the deal, depending on what you have). Ill take cash offers, but if I cant score a reasonably priced TU-2, I probably wont accept.

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