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Posts posted by Sheraton

  1. Skyisdead wrote:

    I'm a girl and I have a black Les Paul guitar like Frank Iero but mine is, you know, black. And I wanted to know, how I would go about naming my guitar. I want something short so I can put the name in the guitar

    What's wrong with naming it Frank?  Or BF, for Black Frank of, you know, BF?

  2. Quote Originally Posted by Mesa/Kramer View Post
    The only other comment i would make having owned a number of small headphone type amps, is that a 100% dry sound (no reverb/chorus etc) makes for a super bland uninspiring practice with headphones (as are the amplugs).

    I think you will get a lot more enjoyment using something that at least has some basic ambient effects and a little stereo chorus for a headphone setup.
    I can see your point. Interesting that the Vox Amplug Twin model has chorus.
  3. Quote Originally Posted by Mesa/Kramer View Post
    The only other comment i would make having owned a number of small headphone type amps, is that a 100% dry sound (no reverb/chorus etc) makes for a super bland uninspiring practice with headphones (as are the amplugs).

    I think you will get a lot more enjoyment using something that at least has some basic ambient effects and a little stereo chorus for a headphone setup.
    I can see your point. Interesting that the Vox Amplug Twin model has chorus.
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. For me the v-amp, pod or small amp (Fender Mustang I) and other similiar devices have the disadvantages of size and the necessity to plug in to a separate device as well as cost. Then you aren't mobile and have to manage the headphone cord as well as the guitar cord. I know you could go bluetooth on the headphones but how complex and expensive do you want to get?

    I had an Amplitube iRig with the software on my iPhone which was pretty cool but still needed the phone, iRig, cord from the guitar to the iRig and from the iPhone to my headphones. Aaaaggghh. Too much cord spaghetti for me. Fun if you want to play with the interface to make tweaks to the sound. Me? I just want to play my guitar.

    I love the simplicity of the device (Amplug, Monoprice clone, Bravo Headplug) plugged into the guitar and 1 cord to my headphones. Simple, mobile, cheap.

    Any idea if the Monoprice clone is the same as the Vox Amplug for half the price? How is battery life? Any experience with the Bravo Audio Headplug? Any other small simple cheap suggestions?

  5. Thanks for the suggestions. For me the v-amp, pod or small amp (Fender Mustang I) and other similiar devices have the disadvantages of size and the necessity to plug in to a separate device as well as cost. Then you aren't mobile and have to manage the headphone cord as well as the guitar cord. I know you could go bluetooth on the headphones but how complex and expensive do you want to get?

    I had an Amplitube iRig with the software on my iPhone which was pretty cool but still needed the phone, iRig, cord from the guitar to the iRig and from the iPhone to my headphones. Aaaaggghh. Too much cord spaghetti for me. Fun if you want to play with the interface to make tweaks to the sound. Me? I just want to play my guitar.

    I love the simplicity of the device (Amplug, Monoprice clone, Bravo Headplug) plugged into the guitar and 1 cord to my headphones. Simple, mobile, cheap.

    Any idea if the Monoprice clone is the same as the Vox Amplug for half the price? How is battery life? Any experience with the Bravo Audio Headplug? Any other small simple cheap suggestions?

  6. Quote Originally Posted by kayd_mon View Post
    I have an Amplug AC30 version, and I think it's great as a headphone amp. A pocket Pod might be better, but it's also more expensive.
    Yep, cheap is one of my main criteria. Small and light is another. How's the battery life?

    I'm wondering if the Monoprice version is made in the same plant as the Vox for half the cost.
  7. Quote Originally Posted by kayd_mon View Post
    I have an Amplug AC30 version, and I think it's great as a headphone amp. A pocket Pod might be better, but it's also more expensive.
    Yep, cheap is one of my main criteria. Small and light is another. How's the battery life?

    I'm wondering if the Monoprice version is made in the same plant as the Vox for half the cost.
  8. I'm looking for an inexpensive headphone amp so I can practice without disturbing the family. The two I'm looking at are both $20 or less and are:
    1. The Monoprice clone of a Vox amplug.

    2. The Bravo Audio Headplug ($20 on Amazon.com)

    The Monoprice amplug clone is available in Clean or two OD versions and has Volume, Tone and Gain controls but uses AAA batteries.

    The Bravo has no controls but has a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery that charges with a usb cable.

    Does anybody have any experience with these? Or any other comparably priced recommendations? I'm leaning toward the Bravo so I don't need to mess with batteries. What am I giving up in sound quality if anything?

  9. I'm open to suggestions. Specifically I'm looking to go from a 2x12 to a single and from 50 watts down to 10 to 20. Which Laney is that?


    I like the LC-30 or VC-30, both 30 watt 1x12 combos. There are also 15 watt 1x10 versions.






    Look around, there was a LC30 on the chicago craigslist for $280 for a couple weeks just recently. They seem to go fairly cheap on CL when they come up.


    BTW, Peavey Classic 30's are a Vox AC30 based design. Any of the 2 x el84 1x12 combos like the Blackheart Handsome Devil have some Vox in 'em. Put a Celestion Greenback in a Blues Junior and you get close too.

  10. Personally I like the AC15CC1 series a little better than the current new AC15C1. A little better build quality, more tonal options with the old control panel. They're still not lightweights though. There are some good options from other makers like Laney that make Vox type amps that might be a better value and a little lighter and more compact.

  11. My brother and I have a saying about CL. "There's always stuff". There are definite ebbs and flows of supply and demand and I think a lot of it is seasonal. Before the holidays it was more of a sellers market with pricies staying high and not much worth buying at a price I wanted to pay. The last couple weeks there has been lots of stuff to buy cheap. I picked up a couple really nice Strats and a Super Champ XD. Just this week I have seen a couple Hot Rod Deluxes with very minor issues for $200 (+ or - a couple bucks) and I'm very tempted. A Gibson 60s Tribute SG for $500. There's always stuff!


    People have spent their holiday gift money and are now faced with the credit card bills. Cash is tight and cheap used gear is plentiful. If current trends hold it will soon be tax refund season, prices will go up and availability of good cheap gear will go down.


    Years ago I found myself with two houses and two mortgages coming into the holiday season. I really needed to sell. My real estate broker told me something I never forgot. "There's only one reason a house (or anything else) doesn't sell. It's price. You either have to adjust your asking price to the market, or have enough patience and time to wait for the market to change."


    I don't buy and sell gear to make money. I do it because it's fun to try new stuff and to have new toys to play with. I flipped both Strats (although I really liked both) at a $200 profit (after I set them up) which gave me the SCXD free with enough left over to pay for a pickup upgrade on my Tele. I sold them both for a little less than they would be worth in a better market but did it in less than a week. That's why I was able to jump on the SCXD deal when it came along.


    If you want to get a better price either go to eBay and hope you can make up the fees in higher selling price, or pull the CL listings and wait a couple weeks for tax refund season.

  12. ...I've heard great things about the Champ 25se but was hoping for all-tube and honestly, the looks are tough to get past!


    Yep, definitely ugly but to butcher Forrest Gump "ugly is as ugly does".


    I only sold mine because I found my Music Man 65. The MM65 is also ss front end with a 12AX7 PI and 2 x EL34 power section. VERY trouble free. The way I'm thinking about it is that the Fender SF/BF amps were designed to have NO pre-amp distortion. If the pre is totally clean why not have it be solid state?


    When I had the Champ 25 I went through a Crate VC3112, a Peavey Classic 30, a Blues Junior, a Pignose GV40, a Peavey Delta Blues, a DRRI, a SF Princeton no-verb, ... I think that's it. None of them sounded as good clean (or in the case of the DRRI enough better for the $$) or with pedals as the Champ 25.

  13. There are several different Fender sounds but if you're looking for BF/SF type cleans on a budget the value for cost ratio doesn't get better than a Champ 25. Usually around $200-$250. SS preamp but an all tube power section with a 12AX7 phase inverter and 2 x 6L6s. They're really ugly in an early 90s sort of way and the plastic input jacks are crap. the Gain channel is useless but think mini-Twin for the clean.


    If you expand your definition of Fender amps to mean "Leo" Fender the Music Man amps are awesome. Very Fender-y with some interesting features, bullet proof and cheap compared to SF and BF Fenders.


  14. My daughter is a recent fine art graduate and having a tough time finding work, or anything that will pay the bills in the art world. At those prices and with the popularity of body art maybe she should look to transferring her skills into a new field.

  15. WTT I'd like to trade a DiMarzio Fender spaced Tone Zone humbucker pickup for another Fender spaced humbucker. Something more moderate to vintage output. Let me know what you have. The Tone Zone is a really nice sounding pickup but hotter than I'm looking for for this guitar (a Vista Series Jagmaster) and a little too hot to match the other pickup I have in there.
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