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Inca Roads

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Posts posted by Inca Roads

  1. I've been around & I've owned many Top Shelf High Gainers:

    Elmwood Modena M90, Diezel VH4, Einstein, Engl Steve Morse Sig.

    CAA OD100SE+ VHT UL, Bogner Uberschall Rev. Blue, Soldano SLO,

    Splawn Quickrod, Modded Marshall JCM 800, Mesa Dual Recto, Randall


    I know that Tone is subjective to the player, so opinions are

    always gonna vary....but for me, after all these years of playing

    and owning many different amps, the two that cover all of the bases

    are the Diezel Herbert 6505 & Bogner XTC 101B.

    I wish I could have kept all my amps, but in the grand scheme of things

    it was necessary to walk that road to end up in "Tonal Heaven"

    My next acquisition to the flock will be the 2 channel Fortin Natas

    when It's available. 2cyll5t.jpg


    Here's a cool vid. I found of the various XTC Tones.



  2. Not quite.

    It's NBA Jam for the Genesis.

    I don't think it was on the SNES.

    I was looking for a super specific answer. I'm sorry, but you don't win the thread.

    Yeah, that's right, it's NBA Jam. But it was also for the SNES I used to play it until my fingers hurt. Clyde Drexler was my favorite one to break back boards with.
    I think the answer should go to the judges, LOL.

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