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Posts posted by flori

  1. Yup.........as above.

    A common problem with violin nuts too which I am used to correcting. You need to ensure that the string leaves the not slot precisely at the bridge facing edge, which involves angling back the slot from the edge smoothly. Angled headstocks seem to suffer less.........string trees on flat headstocks help a lot. Careful use of stacked feeler guages will help ensure you do not inadvertently lower the entire slot too much. (Having said that-i not infrequently lower slots too much and blow the nut so take it easy!)

    If you can't get it right.....or are overzealous.......and only one or 2 slots are messed up, you can backfill the slot with super glue and bicarb (superglue and ebony dust in the case of a violin) and start again. A quick fix dodge that (usually) works for me.

  2. ....thanks jelloman....but I must have heard them all by now :rolleyes:...eg...


    Q: What's the difference between a dead hedgehog on the motorway and a dead viola-player on the motorway?


    A: There are skid-marks in front of the hedgehog.




    Q: Whats the difference between a lawn-mower and a viola?


    A: No-one wants to borrow your viola.


    ....etc...etc ;)

  3. I play and teach violin/viola everyday and my finger-tips have been permanently calloused for 30 years.

    I use a fair amount of pressure on the viola which is my main squeeze so playing 0.9 gauge strings with a 2mm action is a walk in the park in comparison...although I DO habitually press too hard and would like to develop a lighter touch on guitar.

    I can get to the point sometimes where I have too thick a callous and this can create a sore sensation so either have to 'trim' them down a bit or man-up and play through the pain!!

    At music college we used to rub our finger tips with surgical spirit to harden them but ultimately only endless playing seems to toughen them up.

    No real shortcuts I'm afraid

  4. I tried a V100 in a shop recently....(Vintage 'LP-a-like) and it felt a lot different.

    The VRS (as you can tell from the not so subtle name :rolleyes:!) has a 24 fret 'wide flat neck' , not unlike the PRS types it is based on while the V100 has the rather more 'clubby' neck you would expect.

    The VRS also seemed significantly sleeker and more comfortable to play overall-the body is fully carved/contoured like an American PRS.

    I was,however, VERY impressed by the V100 Icon 'Lemon-Drop' they had!


    (CSM has one of these ;) )





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