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Posts posted by rlindsey0

  1. http://www.dailytech.com/Alaskan%2BGlaciers%2BGrow%2Bfor%2BFirst%2BTime%2Bin%2B250%2Byears/article13215.htm

    I've never accepted the "fight climate change" hysteria. Nature does what it does. For us to invest resources into an intentional attempt to block nature from taking its course in order to somehow "reverse" the unintentional harms we create is probably the single stupidest idea I've ever heard.

    The Alaskan glaciers have grown this year, Arctic sea ice has increased this year, some areas just had the coldest summer in several decades -- and yet the press isn't giving it any coverage. Odd.

    I wonder how global warming alarmists will obfuscate this one.


    They don't have to "obfuscate" anything. The fact is that when you look at overall climate change, what happens in one year, in one place, means little or nothing. That's the nature of the beast. If it's happening, it's not some universal linear step-by-step up-and-up all across the board. It's a long-term process that has to be studied across decades and centuries. It would be naive to expect that global warming means that everywhere in the world must be getting slightly warmer by the same amount every year, and in fact no scientist would argue this. It's the overall long-term trend that matters.


    I would say that the reason the press appears not to be splashing this all over front pages everywhere is that while it is one more set of data that must be added to our study of this, by itself it proves absolutely nothing about global warming.


    And BTW, efforts to reduce global warming have nothing at all with trying to get nature to stop doing what it does. It's about getting us to change what WE do, and thus to alter the effects of our activities on the ecosystem. Opinions will vary on whether that's good, bad, or neutral, but it's certain that it has nothing to do with changing how nature operates.

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