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Posts posted by wwjd388

  1. People on here don't want to be scammed by me anymore because of you and now I'm pissed. For that I wont pay up and you can't touch me because I live on a reservation and we have a BS way of doings things here. Boo Hoo, woe is me for not getting away without a scratch.

    Summarized for your convenience.

  2. I'm not calling you out on what you're asking. I am calling out your attitude on here, not only in this post, but in general. You are incredible hostile and offensive (not as in unpleasant, but as in attacking Gregg&H for wanted his money and being offended by your behavior), and then turning right around and playing the victim as soon as pressure mounts on you.


    I think what you are asking is reasonable (in spite of everything you have done so far) but you absolutely need to change your tone if you ever want any hope of being respected here again (much less dealt with).

  3. Ive been watching this but staying uninvolved for a LONG time now, but I need to say something right now... Demands, IS? DEMANDS!? How are you in any place to talk like that. Your attitude should be;

    " I am sorry for what has transpired here and I admit that I am fully at fault. However, for my own peace of mind I would like the case back and receipt for the cleaning costs. Having said that, I will also pay the cost of shipping to have the case returned to me."


    This is just sad how often your tone changes based on what corner you have been backed into...

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