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Posts posted by andrewofsteel

  1. Wow... well, I'm only a little past four years late in checking in on this one. To make a long story short, I've still to find any guitar like mine. To mr. JJpistols... I live in St. Louis, and this is where the guitar was bought (from my friend). It could've been brought to STL and sold in a pawn shop or something. The only other leads I've got on the matter 1) some guy in Tenessee who apparently hand builds "JDS" guitars, but believe me, this guitar in it's original state - though the wood and overall build is awesome - the hardware and electronics were low budget. 2) A couple of guys I know who used to work at SLM (St. Louis Music) here in town when it was still in operation said that JDS was a brand distro'd by their company. I asked them how they knew this, they said they "just knew." Find me a picture of one and I'll believe it.

  2. Ok, I bought a guitar, Les Paul copy, off of a friend in Jr. High (long time ago ;) ) for cheap. The headstock read, in gold letters, "JDS." Neither of us, my friend or I, had heard of this company, but the guitar was cool, and in fact I still use it as one of my main guitars. However, I've never, ever, ever come across another one. Again, it read (before I sanded it off), "JDS" on the headstock. I suppose I could've mistaken it for "JSD," or something. But anywhere I look, anywhere online, I have no luck finding another one, or even another cheap guitar made by any company of a similar name. There is "JDS - John David Scott - guitars in the Ozarks of Missouri, but this company is newer and unrelated to the company that made mine. Have any of you ever heard of this company or seen one of these guitars?


    I seem to remember something about a "JDS" brand guitar being imported by St. Louis Music back in the day, and this would be likely since SLM imports all of those Westone, Series 10, etc. lines of Japanese and Korean knockoffs.


    As Les Paul copies go, this "JDS" guitar of mine is as fine as any, especially after I gutted the electronics and re-did it all myself.


    Any info that anyone has on this subject, I'd love to hear.




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