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Son of HuHefner

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Posts posted by Son of HuHefner

  1. Yeah, this Prop 8 thing is embarrassing. How can people want to deny other people the same rights they enjoy? How does it hurt them to allow gays to marry? It's just not right.


    I am quite furious that this Prop is even on the ballot


    I had a the fun time ripping down " Yes on 8 " signs on public property ( posting signs on public property is illegal )


    In addition, I had a lively argument with a ' Christian right wing couple " as there heads exploded while I removed " Yes on 8 " signs on public propery

  2. Before you get too excited, you might remember that Obama voted for the Patriot Act, for letting telecommunication companies off the hook for spying on Americans, etc, etc, etc. It's back to business as usual, with a slightly kinder face.


    BTW, there are several things that Obama voted on that bothered me


    But 1 large difference- Obama explained his position to his audience when there was significant disagreement


    and that counts

  3. Absolutely.

    I usually stay out of political threads that aren't where they belong, but I'm sick of the idiot's mantra of "you're throwing your vote away". What kind of effect would it have if several million people cast their vote for a third party candidate.


    fact check time for you, brudder


    Evidence is 2000 election. Look at the amount of votes wasted on Nader


    Yes, wasted


    Who squeaked into the WH as a result ?

  4. I was joking. Suggesting that Droolmaster be written in is my people's version of a smiley.

    Mathematically, it is better not to vote, than to vote for McCain. I don't have a romantic view of voting as participating in our great democracy - that's a laugh. You have to be logical about it - I think that one's obligation as a citizen is to think about the alternatives - major candidates/3rd party candidates/not voting at all in place of a 'none of the above' explicit choice, and then make an informed decision.

    I know you were j/k about yourself as a write -in

    We are in agreement

  5. For Gods sake man - our democracy means nothing if you don't vote. At least do what Sizzlemeister is doing and write in Droolmaster.

    After 8 years , and in 2004 seeing 54 million Americans saying " let the stupid bastard finish the job " I think its ok not to vote if you are completely disgusted

    It sure beats seeing racist +60 year old " Americans " vote for McCain because they despise the idea on an intelligent African American as President

  6. I voted nearly six weeks ago before I left South Carolina knowing it would take me awhile to re-register in Georgia where I now live. SC doesn't have early voting but they do have "emergency voting" for this very purpose.

    I'm an independent... I met McCain when he ran in 2004 and my wife met him and Cindy at a stop this year... none the less we both voted for Obama. The GOP is like a headless chicken this year.

    I suspect there will be chaos this Tuesday... we're already seeing very long lines for voting in the Atlanta region where early voting is allowed and some counties are already extending poll hours.


    can't you mail in your ballot ?


    I mailed mine a week ago

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