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Posts posted by Volitan

  1. Patronisation will only get you thrown in the n00b bin. Funny thing is patronisation only works of all or part of what you were saying is true. My mother and i have not been on speaking terms for 3 years, so the chance of her packing me a lunch is rather small, don't you reckon?

    I wouldn't love you if I was your mother either

  2. Who's {censored}ing up the grammar, and logic etc. now.

    That {censored} don't even make sense. Guitar Forumites have possibly the worst tempers ever

    Ill throw you a stick

    fetch mother{censored}er


    Aw. Did someone's mommy not pack him a Jello pudding in his lunchbox today?? It's okay dude. I know how it feels, when you're a kid, and you're watching all the other kids pull cookies, cupcakes, and candy out of their lunchboxes, and then you look in yours and all you got is a cheese sandwich, a carrot, a water bottle, and your pokemon cards. If I was you, I woulda traded my cards for someones dessert. Maybe mommy will give you DOUBLE DESSERTS tomorrow :idk:


    Guiness is stout you n00b

    you make me {censored}ing laugh

    Coopers also makes Stout, and a nice Pale Ale,which tastes more like beer than Stella.

    Stella is a cheap imitation of real east european beer, and is considered the cheapest of the cheapest Homo brew


    I don't think your mommy should be letting you drink beer, little guy.


    Quote Originally Posted by phildogger

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    I am 6 foot 8, and have never broken anything in the act.

    Maybe you meant "Balding, fairy tale tellers"

    Wait, let me guess, you have a story about that too? I think a man would have to live to be 375 years old to live through all the dreck you have posted.


    Pffft. You aren't livng enough then. I'm 17 and have had at least half of those things happen to me or similarly happen to me........

    Quote Originally Posted by MrKnobs

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    P.S. Damn! How could I possibly forget at Linda Kay? freak.gif She happened to me in this same time period, even is parenthetically mentioned in the story (not by name), I could have written a chapter or two about my experience with her. redface.gif


    OMG, now you have to write about her
  5. Almosts don't count I suppose. I've come close but never quite got there.

    But my friend (a bassist) lost his virginity to a groupie. Not your avarage groupie etiher. This girl was a 10. She's been fired from Hooters 3 times for stealing liqour (she's 18), but they keep hiring her back cuz she's so hot I guess. He would make out with her every weekend, they'd get liqoued up and make out for hours. Every weekend he'd go "Man, this weekend I'm gonna {censored} her man." But it never happened until he had 2 rubbers in his wallet. Then there was an ENORMOUS party at their rehearsal spot, and at the end of the nite there were 5 people left. Me, my firend, his bassist, the chick, and a nother random kid who was passed out on the couch. Well, the bassist and the chick start making out like every weekend, so me and my friend step out to get a bite to eat, and on the way back the chick calls us and said she did it with him.

    Nothing special though. The chick was pretty easy, and almost screwed me but she was drunk and my friend was in love with her. But now he doesn't feel that way, so next time I see her, IT'S ON!!!!!!!

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