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Posts posted by FatalVision

  1. Wow. Now that is a lot of stuff. Thank you for directing me here. I think tweaking my computer out sounds great, but I am a little scared about doing it. I am pretty new to working on computers in this way, I have always used them for basic purposes and kept my recording very simple, using programs like acid and rebirth in ways that they probably weren't supposed to be used, but I got pretty good results. I have a dell laptop that I recently bought, and since it is my first and only laptop and my old desktop is about a year away from dying, it is my main computer. Therefore, I use it for many purposes. I have itunes, I use the internet, but also use nuendo and other programs. I am looking to be able to use it for all my purposes. So, I guess my question is how can I tweak my computer in a way that will help my audio performance but not interfere with the basic functions of my computer. I already went through the list of tweaks and have a decent idea of what I can and can't do, but its always helpful to hear it from people who know. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to help me out. Someday I hope to become extremely well-versed in this kind of thing, and I guess this is the best way to learn. Thanks!

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