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Posts posted by bassred

  1. Ahhh, memory lane. My first mixer was a Kelsey 12+3. Got it used for $100 in an off-white/yellow hard case. Had the beautiful wood sides.. The back had the 12 inputs marked with three different colors of electrical tape, I figured the previous owner had done it, and just left it on there..


    So at the time, I was working at a gas station and one of the delivery drivers for the gas tanker was also a bass player. I told him about my purchase and he said 'My old band used to have one of those... Heavy little thing, had this ugly yellow case, and the back was marked with Red, Yellow and Green electrical tape, so each guy knew where to plug his stuff in.....'


    So I thought it was a pretty cool coincidence. He was a cool guy, brought his Alembic with him one day, was the first time I ever saw/touched an Alembic.. what a beauty!


    Best of luck with the board, man!

  2. Something like a Beta98 might be a good mic for you, but it still comes back to the source picking up vibrations and reacting with vibrations.... just a thought. Beta 98's clip on and have a supercardioid pattern and good freq response... It's typically used for drums, but with it's very gradual cut in the LF response, you probably wouldn't lose your low end, and it will certainly shimmer the top!! Just a suggestion (others can feel free to shoot this idea out of the sky, I just love the idea of using these mics for other instruments, they really do sound good!)

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