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  • Steinberg Releases WaveLab 3.0

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    Steinberg Soft-und Hardware GmbH, a leading provider of professional music and audio technologies, today announced the release of WaveLab version 3.0, the acclaimed audio editing and processing software with flexible CD-Burning and realtime PlugIn architecture on the Windows/NT platform. WaveLab 3.0 introduces a new non-destructive editing system called Audio-Montage. The Audio Montage System offers an intuitive user interface- all information is accessible at one glance. In the multi-pane tabbed Window, the user finds a complete view on the required aspects of his montage: the audio clips, the markers, files, CD-Burning parameters, edit history and more.

    All editing is clip based, just by dragging an audio file or a selection in the montage window creates a new clip on an existing audio lane or a clip on a new lane. Every clip owns a transparent waveform to display overlapping regions and the waveforms are reshaped fade, volume or pan envelopes are reshaped. An entire audio clip is displayed with its waveform as it is moved. The editing is entirely non-destructive: fades, crossfades and pans happen in realtime with the new fade system. It utilizes various auto-crossfade modes (e.g. automatic crossfading simply by moving clips onto one another), graphical design of the fade shapes (any shape is possible), realtime computed crossfades, mono and stereo crossfades plus an exclusive waveform recognition technology to smartly adjust the position of clips to avoid harmonic cancellations in crossfade regions.

    Audio Clips can be grouped in hierarchies and the edit history gives the user maximum control over edits. The entire montage can be played back and processed through WaveLab's unique realtime Master Section utilizing up to six of any WaveLab, VST or DirectX compatible PlugIns. The non-destructive Meta-Normalizer helps to automatically equalize the loudness of all clips in the audio-montage or all tracks for a CD-Burning session.

    Additionally WaveLab 3.0 supports the new VST 2.0 PlugIn Architecture, can open and save MP3 if the proper drivers are installed and WaveLab 3.0 now offers the time-stretch and pitch-shift engine from Steinberg Spectral Design's TimeBandit.

    Wavelab is available from Steinberg Dealers worldwide for a MSRP of US $599.00.

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