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  • New Black Cat Moan Wah Pedal from Rocktron

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    (Click for a close-up)

    Rocktron's new Black Cat Moan is a multi-functional wah pedal featuring built-in germanium diodes for a unique sweepable sonic effect (the Moan) that can act as a stand alone distortion and can be combined with the wah for an effect.

    The Moan effect has been specifically designed with heavy distortion situations in mind. The Moan effect will be most apparent when using a heavier distortion. The effect can sometimes be subtle depending on the natural harmonics of your guitar or bass.

    The Black Cat Moan has a three position selector switch that allows you to choose one of three different wah voicing modes. While the Cat is a tool for guitar players, the third mode is "Bass" to accommodate those in the deep end.

    A Wah ON/OFF switch is located under the toe of the rocker footpedal while a side "kicker" switch is used to turn the MOAN effect On or OFF. The MOAN can be used as a stand alone distortion or applied to the wah effect using the COMBINE MOAN/WAH switch.

    Moan Level Control adjusts the overall output of the MOAN effect when the MOAN effect is activated. Moan Gain Control provides a mid-frequency band pass filter harmonic boost.

    Wah Type Selector Control allows you to select three different Wah modes -- Normal, Classic and Bass. Once you have selected the Wah Type you can also further modify the sound by using the Moan gain and level controls.

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